[hider=Elyas Millesol] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RYSoXCH.jpg[/img] [b][color=00aeef]Name:[/color][/b] Elyas Millesol [b][color=00aeef]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=00aeef]Race:[/color][/b] Aethen [b][color=00aeef]Role:[/color][/b] The Knight [/center] [b][color=00aeef]Appearance:[/color][/b] The most striking feature of the young knight Elyas is his build. He stands at 192cm tall, his lean and well-muscled body evidence of a life of training. Thin but strong facial features allow for smiles that haven't fully lost their boyish charm equally as much as they allow for sharp glares that intimidate and command respect. Pale blond hair, blue eyes that often appear gray, and pale skin reveal the man's Aethen heritage, of which he is as proud of as he is proud to be a citizen of Eternia. [b][color=00aeef]Personality:[/color][/b] Elyas is an immensely earnest individual who demonstrates all the honor and sense of duty that one would expect from a person who’s known no other lifestyle than that of a knight’s. While he’s a passionate being to his core, years in the public eye due to his position as the Prince’s personal guard has taught him to maintain a composure that radiates chivalry and confidence—though the passion he feels is always there, just beneath the surface. When in more private scenes with those he is close to, he’ll allow himself to be more like his natural self—lively, fun-loving, and a much better partner to have for a night of drinking. He very much looks up to those who are well-educated, like the Prince. While he isn’t a quite a dolt himself, having plenty of common sense and street smarts, the bulk of his own education was focused on combat. It impresses him greatly how the Prince’s family keeps track of and runs an entire kingdom. Elyas’ own duty, in comparison, requires far less brain power. This admiration is what originally convinced the boy of his Prince’s ability to lead him, and after so many years, that feeling has only grown. Elyas firmly believes in the Prince, and would see no one else succeeding the current King of Eternia. The darker side of Elyas’ personality rears its head when he is faced with failure; he does not deal with it well. It’s these times when his desire to be a perfect knight shows itself to border on near-insanity—the young man will run himself into the ground to avoid failing, not only never knowing when to quit, but simply never considering such a thing as an option. After any failures, he subjects himself to even more training than usual, viewing it as punishment for his mistakes. When he is experiencing one of these laments, trying to comfort him and tell him things are fine is one of the few ways to get him to lash out in anger, though the feelings are still more directed at himself than anyone else. While he lives with impossibly high expectations of himself, and is exceedingly hard on himself for not meeting them, they do push him to be one of the most impressive knights in Eternia, even at his relatively young age. He finds the vast majority of his own happiness in the happiness of others, and while such a mindset comes with it's own set of problems, it undeniably makes him an excellent ally and friend. A stalwart companion, there are few one would rather have by their side. [b][color=00aeef]Skills:[/color][/b] Proficient in many styles of combat, Elyas can improvise and use nearly anything at his disposal to engage others in battle. He excels most with a sword, a spear, and his own limbs. He'd also call his endurance and general refusal to give up a skill, as it's something he finds pride in. Thanks to all the odd jobs he gladly helps out with, he's picked up the skill of being a quick learner, which comes in handy. If you want him to get something done, tell him what he needs to do once, and worry no more as he heads off to fulfill the request. Being somewhat of a blockhead thanks to his upbringing, however, he doesn't have any skills that require a more delicate hand. He can write mostly fine, but his handwriting itself is akin to chicken scratch and is quite literally illegible to all but his mother, his teacher, and the Prince; the three of whom have spent enough time reading said chicken scratch to be able to decode it. While he enjoys music greatly, and often tries to get a performer to play during his training sessions, every instrument he's ever laid eyes upon confuses him greatly—how do [i]strings[/i] produce such pleasant sounds? He [i]mostly[/i] understands the science behind it, but still finds the phenomenon amazing. He'd rather just enjoy the product instead of thinking about how it's made, truth be told. [b][color=00aeef]Weapon:[/color][/b] The one weapon always on his person is a sword passed down through the Millesol family, given the name of 'Soleil Levant.' Infused with magic that prevents it from ever rusting, dulling, or staining, Elyas views the unyielding blade as analogous to the knight he wishes to be. [hider=Soleil Levant] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Dm0qkrK.png[/img] [/hider] [b][color=00aeef]Armor:[/color][/b] Rather simple in design, Elyas only wears his full suit of armor when he knows ahead of time that he will be entering combat. Most of the time, he foregoes the chest piece and helm to allow himself an easier time moving around in his daily activities. The outside armor itself is simply well-constructed and of high quality, but the black undergarments he wears beneath it are infused with magic, similar to his blade. The magic grants the fabric greater resistance to pierces and slashes, to help keep his insides inside, but it doesn't help with blunt trauma. [hider=Full set and Helm][img]http://i.imgur.com/D2vUjZG.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/zmUfbEg.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Without Chest Piece][img]http://i.imgur.com/csk3v6D.png[/img][/hider] [b][color=00aeef]Notable Possessions:[/color][/b] Other than his blade, none that he keeps on his person. He's far more inclined to become attached to objects gifted to him than anything else, especially if the gift came from a person close to him. [b][color=00aeef]Brief History:[/color][/b] Elyas' path in life has been straightforward, if not easy. From the moment he was born, his lifelong duty was decided for him—luckily, it suited him just fine. He began his training as a knight specialized in the protection of a specific charge from nearly the moment he learned to walk, and was assigned to the King's second son when he was only ten years of age—this was more to get the two boys used to each other than anything else, though Elyas did manage to prove some competency in his duty of keeping the Prince safe even at that young age. Only a few months later was Elyas' father killed while protecting the King himself. An incredible knight known throughout not only Eternia, but the world, Sigric Millesol was nearly completely bested on that night. Though the man managed to kill the assassin and save the King's life, he succumbed to his wounds hours later. Despite always knowing that his family's line of work carried a great risk of death, the event shook the young Elyas greatly, and marked a shift in his view of the world. He had only ever heard praise for his father from those who knew of him—indeed, the boy was foolishly conditioned to view his father as a nigh-invincible and infallible man. As the perfect knight. Evidently, he had never been 'perfect,' and as good as he may have been, it hadn't been enough. In an attempt to cope with the loss, the young Elyas came to resent his father. The boy believed that a great knight would sacrifice life and limb for his charge, and the people of his kingdom, if need be. But a greater knight—while willing to do the same—was strong enough to overcome any challenge intact, to protect another day. Sigric Millesol had failed at being greater, and had left his family and the King behind because of his failure. Now always in the shadow of his deceased father, Elyas worked himself to the bone everyday of his life to be the best knight he could be. The idea of chivalry and protection of the weak became something of an obsession for him as he chased an impossible perfection, all too willing to sacrifice his own mind and body for those around him, while desperately fighting to hide any signs of weakness. He eventually grew aware of his oft self-destructive tendencies as the years passed, but he found pride in them, as they fit his definition of a perfect knight. His training only got more rigorous as he reached an age where he was expected to be fully capable of protecting the Prince, and he welcomed it. A life filled with nothing but brutal practice began to bear fruit as Elyas experienced his first real battles and managed to come out alive each time, only more motivated to kill any flaws in his technique and any weakness in his body. Pushing himself so hard, it seems like a dozen new bruises grow on his skin every day—minor injuries that he wears like badges of honor; proof that he’s grown a little more capable of keeping the Prince and Eternia safe that day. [/hider]