[Hider=Polly~~<3!][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/182788][img]http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/9aaf4e9d-00dd-45f0-abe0-d8164d1baabb_zps6bef8061.jpg[/img][/url] ...and Jamie! [img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/jamie_zpsdda6b439.jpg] ...and bunny! [img=http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s550/BOINGSY/bunny_zpsb6628629.jpg] [/hider] It was rather strange... like the sensation of having another pair of eyes. Or rather, knowing that another pair of eyes was right there watching; for you, with you, for always. The rumble of the engine lulled her, the woman at her side calmed her, the dark eyes on the dashboard completed her. Polly reached over and interlocked her fingers into Jamie's free hand. A warm quiet had fallen upon the three just then. For all the tortuous times, traumatic experiences and all the bullshit in between, Polly felt it was worth it to finally reach this moment. The rumbling of an engine did not sound like thunder in her ears for once. A smile drifted across her pierced pink lips as Jamie squeezed her smaller hand. If it was not apparent before, the little union between the three earlier had been solidified during this quiet leg of the journey. Yes, initially Jamie had wanted to leave her behind; there was something intrinsically wrong with becoming some kind of animal-human partner. It was just too... Snow White... too Disney. They had laughed it off, calling the people that bonded with animals: "Disney Demons." It was disgusting; an ideal of being a nurturer so pristine and pure set upon a girl at a young age. But in the same breath, Polly should have felt disgust within herself. She made fun of these types of 'deviants' with the same acerbic tongue with which she had lashed. Ignorant, derogatory remarks would find themselves labelling her because of how she was born. Lesbo. Dyke. Rug-Muncher.  But here they were. Just the three of them. Things were going along just fine now. A deeper understanding, a profound sense of acceptance; a different kind of bond.  Even though it was Polly and bunny that had bonded, somehow, someway, Jamie was included, if only for the ride. Maybe it was because of the similar and familiar things they had both experienced; the nastiness they could see hidden (not so well sometimes) in each other. Maybe it was because they were kindred spirits, all three of them on the run, hunted by dangers unknown.  Maybe it was because bunny accepted the fact that maybe... just maybe Polly was falling in love with Jamie regardless if Polly was in huge denial of said fact. Adorably dark eyes and twitching nose bore something close to a prodding, teasing accusation at Polly from the dashboard. "Whatever. You're not [i]thaaat[/i] clever..." mumbled Polly with a smirk and a scowl. "What's that, sweetie?" "Uhhhh... nothing, Jamie..." Polly gave bunny a half-hearted glare as she readjusted her pose and decidedly away from Jamie's shoulder... just in case prying eyes got the wrong idea about how Polly felt about Jamie. "...But actually... we should dump this stuff before we do up our hair right?" Jamie nodded and Polly's heavy lidded baby blues watched the sandy, chin-cropped length of Jamie's natural hair waver up and down. The silky wavy brunette locks were no longer present; it was just a wig. Polly reached out and tucked some unruly yet handsome sandy hair behind Jamie's ear. Then quickly she twitched and shuddered... it was as if she could hear the little floppy eared demon giggle in her head. "Shut up..." "What? I didn't say nothing...!" "NO! No, not you, sister... it's just.. it's just--" "Disney Demons," Jamie giggled. Polly giggled. Acutally giggled back. And actually it suited her cartoon-character sounding voice. "Yeah... it's weird... It's like we're... we're..." "...Meant to be...?" "Yeah... I feel different too, Jamie... I swear I've never felt so.... soooooooo.... um..." "...You are beautiful..." So docile and uncertain was the tone and sound of Jamie's voice. But now... now it was utterly clear and adamant. Yes, she had been called beautiful before, but never by a voice so honest. So female. Slowly, she raised her strange silver lined blue eyes to meet the shining and knowing pair of the woman beside her. Heat flooded her cheeks and lips. Both sets. Jamie smiled encouragingly. Polly let out a sharp breath. A heartbeat thudded in her ears right before she reached up and pulled Jamies' mouth upon--. BZZZT!!!-BZZZT!!!-BZZZT!!!! Both jumped as Jamie's phone jitterbugged in the cupholder between them, letting them know that He was still waiting for the drop off of 'Elaine's' passenger. The look in Jamie's eyes fled behind the familiar timid blue circlets. "Aren't you gonna' answer it...?" "Ummm... ummm... no. Just gonna' let him stew. Like you said, Polly... Sweetie." The buzzing from the phone died. And he did not call a second time. [i]So much for stewing...[/i] Polly's old instincts kicked in. [i] I almost let my guard down... I'm getting played. Fuck you, I know how it is, Jamie. Baby...[/i] Jamie reached out and put her hand upon Polly's. She did a masterful job of not flinching and a soft smile returned to Polly's pierced lips as she gave bunny a quick glance. The little one pound thing reflected Polly's knowledge in its dark eyes; it was not Jamie's fine leather driving gloved hand that Polly held in both hands now. It was Elaine's. "Alright. Let's dump our stuff then we go talk with this guy, right?" Elaine nodded Jaime's sandy chin-length sandy haired head. "Then we can finally pick up your dollies, right?" Elaine nodded Jaime's sandy chin-length sandy haired head. But even without bunny helping her sense out the woman in the driver's seat, Polly saw the flash in those baby blues in the rear view mirror. A flash of inner turmoil. [i]Got you.[/i] "Know why you make me happy, Jamie...? 'Cuz you are the only person, I believe. I can't trust no one else..." Two darting glances did the blonde catch. The first was at bunny. The second was at the phone. [i]Still got you.[/i] Polly instantly knew why, the really real reason why the woman beside her bolted in the first place and left Polly at the shoulder in the rain. It was all in the glances. The phone was between them. And so was bunny. "Bunny trusts you too... it's why she ran after you. Jaime, she trusts you." At the end of her tight exhale was a sharp laugh. Then she squeezed Polly's hand. [i]Still got you, 'Elaine....'[/i] Polly squeezed back. Then kissed Jamie's cheek. [i]And I am not letting you go.[/i] -------- It would have to do. Polly hated McDonald's... too many bad memories. Being sick ones, taking smack ones, violent ones, but at least all they had to do was dump their stuff. The slick red sedan rumbled past the drive-thru and both women just casually chatted as a scene was taking place (escalating, would be a better word perhaps) inside and just behind the friendly glass of the restaurant. They had just rolled around to the rear and found the dumpster; both women then stepped out when the shit hit the fan. The alarming sound of broken glass, the yelling of people in distress, anger and panic, the honking of horns. All they had to do was dump their garbage and go. Part one they did; Jamie lifted up the green dumpster lid and quickly Polly tossed in the dumpster their collection of cast-offs. Part two, however, the 'go' part. Not so much. Bunny was bolting towards the bedlam like a little clever bunny with a plan. "You psychotic little furball! Get back here!!!"  ----- If it had been a strange day before, it seemed to be promising nothing ordinary. The small crowd was gathered around the trashcan and an employee who probably should have called in sick. Work ethics... Who needs them? The manager was dragging one man away from the scene while the patrons, one of whom was holding a shake and taking a video simultaneously, such talent(he should have been calling 911), shouted at him. Or maybe they were shouting at the young man behind him.  And the cat.  The very large cat standing in a mess of broken glass and no small amount of blood. Around whose neck he'd wrapped his arms. Needless to say, the fellow looked terrified, and the manager was probably braver than anyone was giving him credit for, considering he'd turned his back on an upset cougar who may or may not have been held back by those scrawny limbs. Voice high and occasionally cracking, Nikhil was doing his best to apologise as  loudly as he could. Repeating a litany of "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" No one was listening because his eyes were a bright, bright blue, and the cat did not turn on him, despite their proximity. Or the arms holding it back from making sure the attacker learned his lesson. No one touched the human it belonged with, no one. The manager was nearly overrun by the frantic collision of thoughts evoked by fear. Fear of the beast, and fear of letting it get away with what was happening. Then, for a reason no one could have expected when they woke up that morning, the shouting and contained pandemonium quieted. The only sounds left were the low rasping threat of a cat with its ears back and its eyes wide, a young man still apologising by rote, and the surprisingly loud, "Holy shit..." of milkshake man.  A little rabbit had just darted in front of everyone, leapt at the cat and bounced off the man's knees before fleeing again. Right between the frozen feet of the manager. ---- Then there's that moment. That moment when you know that you just aren't you anymore. That moment when your old instincts should have taken over and you should have cut your losses and run. It was bunny's fault for bringing it upon her. It was bunny's responsibility to get her own fuzzy little ass out of this alive. But no, because this is that moment. The calling from that little psychotic furball was too great right now. And in that moment Polly knew she wasn't just Polly anymore. She was Polly-and-bunny-and-Jamie. And that was okay with her. For now. And if it came down to it: forever. "Jamie, get in! Get in! I'm driving!! No, no, sister! Don't argue, just get in! You'll understand! You will, girl! Move it!" Polly would definitely have preferred a stick shift over this strange shifter auto, but whatever, this slick red sedan had some nice giddyup. Necks snapped as Polly hit reverse full throttle and yanked on the e-brakes with just enough of a wheel twist to pull a one eighty. A heartbeat passed, and Jamie, pinned to her seat and fully white-knuckled, closed her eyes and surprisingly managed to keep from screaming... too loudly. "Jamie...? Jamie-baby... listen... I need you to open the back door on your side okay...? Listen: when I say so you open it. I'mma slam the brakes as soon you do kay? So get ready... but don't do it until I say so, 'kay, Jamie?" Jamie nodded hastily twice as Polly weaved the slick red sedan between car and pedestrian yet still speaking calmly as if it was a Sunday drive. "'Kay... it's cool... it's cool. You can do it... Just wait till I say so, 'kay... ready...? Ready?!" ----- The cat was still crooning a low, fizzling anger, though its whiskers had relaxed after the surprise appearance of an animal it could have eaten in one bite. Nikhil didn't know what was going on, but the cat seemed calmer, and the crowd certainly was. It was himself and the manager alone who had the best view to take in the next few moments as he stood up at the cat's prompting. The rest of the McDonald's patrons and employees were just spinning around at the screaming behind them as the sedan closed the distance and leapt at them. The moment of weightlessness. The spinning of wheels midflight. The roaring of a small block v-8. Then wham. The slick red sedan landed upon the pretty cobblestone bricks just out the front door... then kept cruising on in. "Jamie Open it NOW!!!" Thankfully Jamie was very obedient and her timing was impeccable. Polly turned the wheel and hit the brake. The door fully swung open with the inertia and the slick red sedan came to a screeching halt. In the stunned silence all that could be heard was the sound of the grumbling engine.  From out of nowhere the bunny hopped and promptly waited at the foot of the open rear door. Over a little grey and brown shoulder she stared at the large cat and its companion before hopping into the car then up onto the plush red leather back seat. The angry crooning had turned into a purr as the predator curled around the human it had found earlier that week and again just today, despite repeated requests that it not continue to find him, and sauntered towards the car, hopping in a little less gracefully than the rabbit, though no one was liable to tell it so. The young man followed in a far more jerky fashion, his eyes glazed over as though he couldn't quite believe what was happening. Maybe he couldn't. A cougar had just jumped into a car after it crashed through the front door.... He squeezed in too, and shut the door. A smirk pulled up at the corner of Polly's mouth as she saluted them before hitting the slick red sedan in reverse and rumbled backwards out the broken opening. But this time, unlike her entrance, she pulled out at more of a sauntering pace that made for a great accompaniment to a sweeping McMiddleFinger for all customers paying or not. All open mouths and wide eyes remained open and wide for the duration until the slick red sedan was out on the asphalt and turning right onto the main road; hopefully before the local authorities caught wind of this all. "Holy. [i]Shit.[/i] We are soooooo gonna be on YOUTUBE!!!" squealed Polly, bright blue eyes scintillating with silvers as she smacked the steering wheel with the glee of a clever, oh-so-clever bunny. After the awkward silence she cleared her throat and glanced into the rearview mirror. She should have felt scared out of her wits after seeing such an enormous kitty, but something about how bunny was just sitting there staring at it like it was practically shrugging: [i]"I've seen worse,"[/i] said the bunny's eyes. That and she could see the colour of the darker skinned fella's eyes. They were just like hers. Beautiful, just like Jamie said. "Hey... I'm Polly... and that's Jamie... pleased to meetcha... say hello, Jamie..." said Polly as she began scanning horizon, mirrors and traffic. "Hello," said Jamie still shaken and wiping sweat from her blood-drained brow. Then with a nervous laugh: "Soooo.... what brings you along...?"   The fellow pulled off his McDonald's cap and pressed his own shaking fingers against flesh starting to swell around his left eye. His nametag said Nikhil, his mouth couldn't manage introductions though. "I-I.... I think I'm fired...." Great first impression, down the drain.  He probably was though, all things considered.  [hider=Nikhil!!!][img=http://files.myopera.com/b%C3%A3O/albums/2033291/%3Bl%3B.jpg][/hider]