[center][h2]Darkwater: Black Jewel of the Southlands[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/390124cb81cedec2b634686006061c40/tumblr_ot9sicYKtV1sx8o26o1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] Well met! I welcome you to Darkwater, the only great human city in a hundred leagues. Located within the Marshlands of the Southland, merely twenty miles from the infamous Cutlass Coast. It is a city rife with danger, magic, and ambition. Perhaps you are a disgraced noble having fled the North, and using what influence you have left to live a comfortable life in this city state? Perhaps you're a mercenary, looking to adventure or sell your sword? Or maybe an informant or entertainer, seeking to gain contacts? Or a pirate looking for a new crew? Surely you're not a mage, attempting to gain more power and prestige, perhaps joining the Occult Bastion? Do you wish to rule, to conquer, to explore the wilderness around and find treasures amid the danger? Whatever you so choose, this roleplay will feature a handful of characters selected by me, each trying to find their fortunes in Darkwater, the greatest city state in the Southland Confederation of Cities. Gain wealth, contacts, NPC companions, or band together (or kill each other). I look forward to seeing who is interested.