[hider=Rhiara Ludenburg & Athaliah Priscou] [b]Name[/b]: [url=https://i.imgur.com/dPSVyC3.jpg?1]Rhiara "Weiss" Ludenburg[/url] & [url=https://i.imgur.com/FPV9Aux.jpg?1]Athaliah Priscou[/url] [b]Sex[/b]: Both Female [b]Race[/b]: Rhiara is half-winged unicorn, as a result of her mother's actual form being that of a winged unicorn. Athaliah however, is a full human. [b]Age[/b]: 18 & 19 [b]Religion[/b]: Rhiara worships Althaea and Lysandra; she acknowledges the existence of the other gods, though she feels these two and their aspects to be what she cares about most. Athaliah worships Celestis because of her family's maritime traditions before they moved further inland. [b]Backstory[/b]: [i]Rhiara[/i]: Rhiara was born in Hoffen in 1288, and had a humble upbringing. From an early age she was taught woodcarving by her mother and it has been her hobby for years. Because of her skill at this, she became an apprentice at the carpenter's workshop in town. In addition, she goes hunting with her dad once a week, where she gained the skills to use a bow somewhat effectively. [i]Athaliah[/i]: Athaliah was born in 1287 in the Foverósi capital city, Kalargos to a family with strong maritime traditions. She and her parents left Kalargos in order to escape the city's restrictiveness and the crowds, and moved to Hoffen when she was 7. She joined the town militia when she came of age and as such, is quite skilled in the use of spears and shields, and swords to a lesser extent. They both became good friends when they were both 9, when both their parents practically forced them to spend time together. The two have been almost inseparable ever since and where one is, the other isn't far away. [b]Motivation[/b]: Rhiara initially gets dragged onto the adventure because she doesn't like disappointing anyone and finds it hard to say no to people, however she gradually becomes more invested in the cause and believes that if Htraknu were to succeed, it would be the end of everything she knows. Athaliah skips the first stage and is aware of Htraknu's danger more or less from the outset. [b]Magic[/b]: Rhiara's only magic is her shape-shifting ability that naturally comes with being a half-breed. While she is aware of this, she has only done it once and is inexperienced as a result. Athaliah, on the other hand, has no magic to speak of. [b]Skills/Strengths[/b]: [i]Rhiara[/i]: Rhiara's main combat skill lies with her bow and arrows, and knives to a lesser extent. As a result of being quiet, she is rather observant and while she doesn't enjoy doing so, points out flaws in plans and discrepancies in stories (if important enough to mention). Because of her hunting trips, she has above-average eyesight as a result of having to pick out small game running through the forest. [i]Athaliah[/i]: Athaliah's strengths in combat lies in her skill with spears and shields. She has fantastic amounts of stamina which enables her to fight (or run) for longer than the average person. She is more skilled in a defensive approach, hiding behind her large shield with her spear pointing forwards. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [i]Rhiara[/i]: Rhiara's most obvious weakness is her tendency to do what other people want regardless of her personal feelings; the reason for this is that she finds it extremely hard to say no to people, else she risks disappointing them. In combat she is no good at all in close quarters and will likely be killed due to her lack of experience in defending herself. [i]Athaliah[/i]: Athaliah's weakness in combat is that she usually overestimates opponents, meaning she will commonly put too much effort and energy into a fight that simply doesn't need it. In regular life she will always think of her family and friends first, which some people could use to their advantage. [b]Gear[/b]: [i]Rhiara[/i] Armour: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/08/56/d208566a57d84611bacccce5701803b2--female-assassins-assassin-armor.jpg Bow and arrows Small dagger (usually used for skinning game, but can be used for other things) [i]Athaliah[/i] Armour: http://2static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Female_367f1f_6009570.jpg Shield: http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/romans/images/more/shield.jpg Spear Shortsword [b]Other[/b]: Can't think of anything to put here at time of writing. [/hider]