[center]Collab between Cherrywitch and Jerkchicken Conversation between Nymph and Ixa[/center] The brunette girl jumped in surprise as her body automatically made the movements to catch the item thrown to her. A satchel? It was empty, so why would the other hand it to her? Nymph was asked for her assistance, and she wouldn't deny it if it truly was to help the current situation. The only problem was she didn't know what he was asking of her. Nymph hesitated, glancing to the other male besides Ixa. He certainly seemed able to care for himself, and he wasn't in any danger. Such apathy was really no good in emergencies. A bottle was held out to her from the same Aedis who threw her the satchel, she blinking down at the liquor. Was it really safe to drain it all? [color=lightblue]"Ah, yes, it should help some. Thank you."[/color] Nymph raised her ocean blue eyes to Ixa gratefully, turning her attention to the bottle once more. Afraid the pressure might cause the glass to explode, Nymph unplugged the top before slowly, the liquid inside seemed to churn and crash in on itself. In its place the alcohol content remained as well as any other parts to it besides water. The crystal encrested in her crown glowed just a little brighter, not quite as dull as before. She gently placed the bottle onto the ground and stepped around it. Nymph followed after Ixa quickly, taking one last glance over her shoulder in worry for the Aedis left behind. Would he truly be alright? [color=lightblue]"Thank you again. What is it you need of me?"[/color] She asked, curious. "Good." he said as he led her outside again to the school grounds. Ixa was on the look out for any potential ambushes from the enemy as he led her to a corner that seemed safe. He looked back to the place of that weird guy. It seemed he didn't wish to join and while it would have helped to have another person helping out, he wasn't about to waste valuable time to plead to him to come along. Then he began to speak again, "The first part is to save as many of the children as possible from being put to sword or kidnapped into their service." He took the bottle full of concentrated alcohol and put into the satchel, as such a thing might have use in the future. It wouldn't take too long for them to encounter a squad of soldiers going after some kids. "Come on lets hurry! I’ll take care of these soldiers!" he said as he ran into the group with an ice blade manifesting itself. The ice weapon was deceptively strong as it parried their blows without breaking. An curious thing to note was that he never fought in an active manner as he preferred for the soldiers to strike at him. One by one the soldiers were defeated in a steady cadence of blows and counter blows. "Well that's one group down. Anyway, the second task is to preserve artifacts and teachings that are held in the offices of the teachers. The soldiers will no doubt have been instructed to destroy and or take any documents and artifacts; to take some of these things for ourselves will be very useful to us and inconvenience them." The blue eyes widened at his words. Children... Tears began to well as she remembered the ones who were torn from her and slaughtered right before her eyes, helpless to do anything. A cold feeling enveloped her heart. How could she try and protect them again? She was useless, she couldn't even save a few children. Nymph took a step back in surprise, not expecting to be caught so quickly by soldiers. The blades on her bident glowed, ready to attack, but Ixa had already claimed this group. He was strong, but fought only in a counter attack to those who fought him first. Nymph was curious, but she didn't say a word. Again, she was saved. Her mind went back to that dark aedis who had protected her earlier, his words stinging into her soul again. [color=mediumpurple]"... If you cannot fight, then do not get in the way. I don't have time for weaklings like you who are scared to spill blood."[/color] Was that why she was constantly having to be protected? Even in the village, guards were all around her, even though she was supposedly so powerful. Was it because she was afraid to hurt others that people get hurt saving her anyway? A sadness clouded her eyes. Nymph barely heard Ixa speaking through her thoughts. "Anyway, the second task is to preserve artifacts and teachings that are held in the offices of the teachers. The soldiers will no doubt have been instructed to destroy and or take any documents and artifacts; to take some of these things for ourselves will be very useful to us and inconvenience them." The girl's fists tightened around the satchel in her hands. [color=lightblue]"Alright... I'll go collect the teachings. You can protect the children, and if I see any while I'm off gathering I'll send them to you. Good luck."[/color] Before he could say another word, Nymph sprinted away as fast as she could. She... she had to be useful. Ixa saw the girl run off into the distance leaving him with the kids. He could only hope nothing bad happened to her on the way. Turning his attention to the gaggle of kids he said, "Let's go". He rushed to the skirts in a path that was off to the side for maximum saftey. Eventually they got to wall that had some cracks in it that allowed for easy climbing and he told them to go run to specific part of the woods. He then kept watch over them as they climbed. As the last of them have crept over the wall and made their way to safety, Ixa found himself alone again. The time for heroics was over and now it was time for the next phase. He turned to where the items would be be and made a dash to to it. The rooms were all fairly close to each other making it easy to break into them. He first broke into of the ice aligned teachers' rooms and scanned for items and various writings with a discerning eye. The girl he asked to help should hopefully make the task of collecting material much easier, although it would be far from a leisurely task. The rooms looted he moved on to others as his satchels became heavier. "I wonder how that girl is doing?" he thought to himself. She rushed off before they made agreement on where to meet, but he it didn't bother him to badly. He had more space to fill the bags and he had his eyes on getting to the library. However that was a big if, dependent on if it was still standing in any capacity and or not ransacked clean.