[center][h2][color=00aeef]Rouges[/color] [color=8dc73f]The Coming Gauntlet[/color][/h2][/center] My vision was a daze from the fall and my lower back felt like I just lifted up the front end of a car, I started to make out the form that shocked Gaz and caused us to crash, it was a tall woman, one Gaz would probably call a Milf, once I laid eyes on those cat ears sticking up from her head I could tell she was the same race as Noi, a kaithrit, but instead of the two tails they usually had, she had an odd green reptile tail. I could see Gaz laying next to his motorcycle, but after taking a laser blast to my back and falling off a motorcycle, I couldn't force myself up to help fend off the cat bounty hunter." Well, just my luck, I caught you right after you escaped from the others." She taunted the wounded Gaz. I only wished I had the energy to pull myself up to my feet and fight the woman, but all I could do was lay on the cold asphalt and hope that Gaz could pull something out of his sleeve. "Isn't that just my luck?" A gruff voice spoke aloud. I felt the worst was about to come as another bounty hunter was coming to claim Gaz's bounty, but when I craned my head over to the person, I was surprised by who it was. It was Yan, he was wearing his gym clothes, a sweat soaked simple T-shirt and some sweat pants. I sighed, feeling a bit of relief come over me as Yan dropped his gym bag." Sorry ma'am, but I won't allow you to do what it is you wish to do with my friend." He stared her down with his glowing blue irises. "Miss I wouldn't want to hurt-" Before the bodybuilder could finish the kaithrit woman tried to fire her electric gun at Yan, but the electricity from the weapon crackled and fizzled around Yan instead of hitting him, he patted a small block on his hip saying."I always come prepared miss, I really wish this didn't come to this." The burly took on a defensive stance, keeping his hands in front of him, the cat woman, giving Yan a chance put away her Arc caster before closing the distance with him. The two traded blows before both of their shields went down, the second Yan noticed her shield was down, he stunned the alien woman with a jab, in a swift motion he put his foot behind her leg and knocked her off balance, he then grabbed her by her by the collar of her duster and flipped her onto the ground back first. Yan looked down to the Kaithrit woman saying."You're pretty good. But your experience doesn't beat my people's instinct, thanks." The giant threw me over his shoulder like one of his 'buddies' Then collected Gaz under his arm. He treated us like we were his toys before he began taking us to where ever it is he was taking us. I couldn't help but letting the tiredness of today take me, my eyelids began to feel heavy and slowly I felt the fatigue come over me. The moment I awoke, I nearly jumped to my feet, wondering where Yan took us only to find me and Gaz in what looked like a cramped store room. On several shelves there were bottles of what looked like different kinds of alcohol, next to me there were a couple stacks of odd mead in short bottles, close by there was a door leading outside. After I took in my surroundings, I felt a warm feeling on my lap, I looked down to see Noi napping on my lap, I shook my chitin coated legs to wake her up." Get off me Noi!" I yelled at her. The cat girl rose off my legs with drool trailing down the side of her face, she stared her big gold eyes at me before telling me."But mom! I wanna have five more minutes." She meowed before putting her face right into my breast and go right back to sleep. As I was about to shake the cat girl awake, I heard something or someone coming, they were walking towards the door at a casual pace, and once they opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of a well dressed albino man, but he had green eyes and a ponytail. He walked in grabbing a couple bottles and casually told me." Please be quiet, there are customers that I'm hiding you from." He then left with an arm full of bottles and closed the door behind him. Soon Gaz began waking up, he tried to get up and noticed Noi just lying on top of me." I guess either Noi found us and got some people to help drag us here, or someone else came to save the day." "It was Yan." I told him." He came from the gym to help us, he stopped that woman that made us crash." Gaz leaned on the wall swearing after hearing we crashed, the human stepped over me and Noi and peeked out the door and closed it." Shit." He whispered." We're in The Den, and it's filled with fucking bounty hunters and assassins right now, fuck." I could imagine The Den being filled with killers and pirates right now, they were here for Gaz or to get their favorite drink before heading off, Gaz sat down across from me and pulled Noi by her collar into his arms and held her, he then petted her head and told me."She's from Hardy, my pet cat here." "Hardy?" I asked." Why are you telling me this?" Gaz played with one of her ears as she snored in her sleep." Well, we might be here for a while and I felt like sharing, plus Noi would be too drugged up to focus on one thing unless you put a candy on her nose." " If she's that bad, why keep her?" " Easy, because Noi can crack any safe on this side of the galaxy given enough time, she doesn't even need a drill either, unlike that last job." He told me." Plus, I bought her contract for dirt cheap, she was first owned by some brothel then one of Mishka's badass kids used her as a living punching bag daily." As Looked at the cat girl, I started to see Noi differently, I always just thought that she was just some cat girl with a bad rush addiction and incredibly stupid, but now I could see she was just someone with a bad history. "Like I said she's from Hardy, a shitty poor town filled with Kaithrit people, it's on a backwater planet between H Federation space and Confederacy space. The kaithrit there are so fucking desperate to get food and drink that they drink the old starship fuel that was mined there years ago." He told me. I stared at him wondering to say before just asking."Why, why are you telling me this?" Gaz flicked one of Noi's earring studs before saying."If I don't survive today, at least someone will know Noi's past besides just me." He chuckled before saying." After all, I did for her, I can't think of her as nothing but an annoying little sister sometimes." Suddenly a commotion was starting up on the other side of the door, Gaz pushed Noi back up onto me and told me,"Ash get Noi's gun." He got near the door." We're probably gonna need to shoot our way out." As I tried to check Noi's shirt for a weapon, Gaz sighed before saying." Grab her ass." I groped the cat girl's butt, then felt the barrel of her gun, I grabbed the handle and took out a black revolver, I got up and was ready to take on whatever could be on the other side of the door, gunshots began going off before Gaz opened the door.