[Center][h3][color=B0C4DE]Avory[/color][/h3][/center] Archimedes watched Urkwia spray down the front row of constructs from the stairs. Leaping to the stairs the young man emptied the last of the bullets in his magazine into the remaining constructs before ascending the stairs with practiced movements. Ejecting the spent magazine he replaced it with a materialized magazine from the mag pouch at his belt. Thumbing the slide release he didn’t bother to look back down the stairs, Urkwia knew what she was doing and he needed to protect them from anything coming down the stairs. Bringing the gun back up he supported it with his left hand which was now grasping his knife. Calling back down the stairs he addressed the series of puns “Please try not to bury me in that avalanche of puns.” For all his buinesses like exterior, his deadpan humor dictated that he must inject at least one dad joke into any sort of conversation that was happening mid mission. This seemed like the perfect place to make both of them wish that they had kept their mouths shut. “Also, it's not: Not Clear. Its Contact. Though I suppose I understood.” Grinning to himself he continued to clear the stairs above them. Strangely he was a fairly decent choice to lead in an urban environment like this. Though he wished he had some sort of burst fire weapon or perhaps a shotgun. Archimedes made a mental note to at the very least download the pattern for Rip rounds the next chance he had. The jacketed hollow points he was using seemed to do the job most of the time but the damn golems had highlighted the fact that against inorganic enemies hollow points didn’t really expanded the same way. Thank Christ that they were jacketed. Once on the second floor Archimedes spread out to the right covering the right field of fire with his handgun, sweeping to make sure that nothing came charging at them from behind the filing cabinets. Urkwia took note of the laptop and made a beeline for it. Reading the text Archimedes pursed his lips as he scanned through it. This had to be some sort of mind game. That or maybe a really fucked up training exercise but he gut told him that it was probably a hacker screwing with them. It made little sense for their superiors to send them into a test like this. It took them out of play when their could potentially be a real threat that popped up. Still… Part of him was intrigued by the suggestions but the reality here was that it was another delusional hacker hiding behind the idea that they were somehow being responsible by causing a collision. Urkwia’s question snapped his attention back. “We need to do our job. Hacker sounds like they have some sort of superiority complex or perhaps a personality disorder. Use to see people like this all the time but we got a bit better at noting high machs and low empathy people in society so there has been a decrease in people like this. Though interestingly, I’ve been reading some of the old hacker briefs; it's amazing how many of them have personalities like this. I have to wonder if it's what causes them to do stuff like this.” This was why the Government needed more tools for dealing with people in general. Archimedes held back from voicing that particular sentiment. His own research was already sort of toeing a line when it came to this job.