[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmQ1Y2VjZC5RbUZzZEdoaGFYSWdSWFpsY21keVpRLCwuMAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjhjODg4Ny5RbUZzZEdoaGFYSWdiMllnZEdobElGTjBiM0p0Y3csLC4z/enchanted-land.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjQ4LjhjODg4Ny5RMmhoYlhCcGIyNGdiMllnZEdobElGTnJlU0JSZFdWbGJnLCwuMwAAAAA,/enchanted-land.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1akSMRj.jpg?1[/img][/center] [hider=Arials][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjI4LjhjODg4Ny5WR2hsSUVGeWFXRnNjdywsLjAA/fantaisieartistique.medium.png[/img] live in the skies, nestled in the clouds, bothered by few. They keep to themselves for the matters of [i]Earthborn[/i] do not concern them. They live to preserve their own race and to guard The Lady of the Skies, The Sky Queen Kolydi Karael. The queen is the mother of all the Arials and she is the living goddess. It isn’t definite if she truly is the physical form of The Mother or if she is The Mother’s vessel. She will at times produce an egg asexually, giving birth to Arials destined to forever guard her, her White Knights. All female Arials carry an egg inside them when they reach maturity that will only grow once they have lain with a male. The female will then lay the egg and keep it forever close to her warm bosom until it hatches. The difference between standard Arials and the White Knights is their hair and wings. All White Knights have stark-white hair, skin, wings, and eyes. They bear no other color. As for their wings, the Arials’s most defined trait is their wings. Every Arial has wings and they vary in color. There is no standard color for an Arial. Their hair and their wings could meet every hue of a rainbow. It is the queen whose wings and hair radiates and encompasses all the colors of the rainbow. Like the queen, all the Arials are a beautiful people and bear a gentle glow of mysticism. The Arials are said to be why lightning flashes in the clouds. They mine for a special resource called the Lightning Stone and use it to forge powerful weapons and armor. When two Arials are sparring, their lightning weapons are what crack and [i]thoom[/i] for all the land to hear. A storm on a rainless night or day is the sign of Arials in battle. The Arials, although rarely ever seen by Earthborn, exist in their books as legendary beings. They are the angels that slay the demons and the undead. They are often depicted saving Earthborn from falling from cliffs, mountains, raging rivers, being stranded at sea or marooned on islands (the tales go on). What is true is that the Arials are not fond of things that go against the Laws of Life and Death. Once something dies, it should stay dead, and if it is resurrected, then it is a disease to the world. The White Knights actively hunt demons and undead often assisting other nations from Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and other species in eradicating them—but this does not make them necessarily allies. They just share a common nemesis. As perfect as the Arials may seem, they are far from perfect. They are extremely arrogant and look down on the Earthborn as lower lifeforms. Most kings who have fought alongside the White Knights could hardly tolerate their presence because they always spoke to the Earthborn as though they were inept. As though, the sole reason the Arials were even there was because the Earthborn armies were too incompetent to handle their own problems. The Arials have earned the most hate during the War of the Mad King. They took no part! Selfishly, the White Knights were ordered by the queen to refrain from aiding the ground armies. It was about time the Earthborn handled their own problems rather than she risking her own children to always save them. They were ordered to wait until they had managed to cull the dark numbers and if it looked as though their units were near diminished, then they were to involve themselves. Unfortunately, the command never came for the dragon had been unexpected. The beast wiped out the armies before the Arials had a chance to intervene. Shame. Ever since, the Arials were despised for many Earthborn claimed that if the White Knights had been involved, then surely they would have won. The wiser Earthborn kings and queens were patient with the Arials. They humbled themselves, sending messengers to their sky kingdom to ask for the Sky Queen’s trust. The Sky Queen relented, offering to have her White Knights assist the kingdoms understanding that the Earthborn were the first defense against the Dark Ones. If the Earthborn were wiped out, then her kingdom, Sepherine, would surely be next. The standard Arials are capable of elemental magic. The color of their hair and wings hint what element they specialize in: Red (Fire), Green (Air), Brown (Earth), Yellow (Light), Blue (Water), and Purple (Lightning). Other colors such as Orange, Indigo, Pink, Violet, etc are a tossup. They were often the offspring of two parents with colors that mixed such as a Red Arial and a White Knight producing a Pink Arial. The child of a White Knight and a non-White Knight (NWK) do not produce a hybrid for the breed is diluted once a White Knight breeds with a NWK. Non-White Knights are often called "Nawks" by White Knights to mean exactly that. All Arials have innate abilities similar to avian species. They have hawk-like eyesight, they can dive like the peregrine falcon, and maneuver the skies, changing immediate direction, with the speed of a sparrow. Like they owl, they can even hunt demons at night. The Earthborn, who abhor them, have nicknamed them "Pigeons." The White Knights differ from the standard Arial. They are born directly from the queen and they often refer to each other as Brother or Sister. Because of their pure breed, they are the strongest of the Arials with the highest magical affinity. They harness the lightning forged in their weapons and are capable of harnessing multiple elements to aid them, the most common being air and light. They are the distinguished soldiers of the Sky Queen’s squadron.[/hider] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5RV2RsLjAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [indent][i]The White Knights never age. They emerge from the egg full adults and are to die in service to the Sky Queen.[/i][/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5SMlZ1WkdWeS4wAA,,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [indent]Male[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5RWEJ3WldGeVlXNWpaUSwsLjAAAAA,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [indent][center][h3][color=gray]6'1"[/color] | [color=gray]172 lbs[/color] | [color=gray]Wingspan - 6 feet[/color][/h3][/center] Balthair is handsome as expected from an Arial. He has immaculate skin and platinum-blonde hair of the texture of feathers. There are even a few feathers mixed into his silken blades. His skin dimly glows, his irises though white are lightly outlined in black halos. His complexion is snowy with gentle sheens of silver. His armor is a mixture of Lightning Stone plates and Cloud Thread [See the “Equipment” section]. A smug smile is always slightly cocked on his face and an Earthborn could tower over him, and he will still appear to be looking down. The air of arrogance is thick with this one—again, as expected. Balthair wields two weapons: his primary is a claymore named Lightning Edge, and his second are twin short swords named Cloud and Squall (get it?).[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5VR1Z5YzI5dVlXeHBkSGssLjAAAAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [indent]Balthair is stereotypical Arial. He is arrogant and 100% confident in his skill and abilities. He may talk-the-talk, but he can also walk-the-walk. His arrogance makes him fearless. He puts on a good front that makes him come off as nothing but a cocky son of a bitch, but he is a champion for a reason. He will often stretch a fight to assess a formidable opponent or yield when he knows he will be defeated. Of course, he would never admit to failure, loss, or defeat. A White Knight never fails for as long as he is alive! In truth, a White Knight only fulfills his or her purpose in death to die in service to the Sky Queen. Balthair, like all Arials, sees Earthborns as inferior. This doesn’t make him too popular with allies but perhaps overtime he will learn humility. For now, Balthair aids the Earthborn because they have a common enemy and that is all. He has a cynical outlook on life. He believes that once the threat is all dealt with that the Earthborn would just go back to killing each other and he would return to the skies to serve his queen. Huh! He might not ever see them again. What’s the point of making friends? If by now you couldn’t figure out that Balthair is a natural bastard, then maybe you and him will make the best of comrades. He is very vocal about his opinions. He will speak up if he feels a plan is stupid, stinks, and just speak his thoughts aloud whether people want to hear them or not. If ever a comrade actually manages to receive a compliment from the Arial, they should take it as an achievement for Balthair rarely compliments Earthborns.[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5TR2x6ZEc5eWVRLCwuMAAAAAA,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [indent]I wrote the history when I explained the Race, but I will express some character development desires in this section. Balthair is quite the dick, but overtime, as he travels and finds himself growing closer to his team, his arrogance and cynical outlook will lighten. I would also be interested in Balthair developing a relationship with a non-Arial character. It is something unheard of to the Arials, and it would be interesting to see.[/indent] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5SWEYxYVhCdFpXNTAuMAAAAAAA/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [list][*][color=gray][i]Lightning Stone Plate Armor[/i][/color] The armor makes Balthair immune to lightning or alterations in the electromagnetic field. It is a necessary armor if any Arial is to safely use weapons forged from Lightning Stone. The armor is light and conducts electricity easily. [*][color=gray][i]Cloud Thread[/i][/color] is a material found only in Sepherine. Threads are taken from the clouds and woven on a magic loom into clothing. Cloud Thread makes the wearer feel as light as a feather, allowing the wearer to fly and fight for lengthy periods. [*][color=gray][i]Lightning Edge[/i][/color] is the name of Balthair's claymore. It a claymore forged from lightning stone that is capable of throwing chains of lightning with its every swing. Upon contact with a metal weapon, the user will find themselves being electrocuted on contact. On a stormy night or day, Balthair can use Lightning Edge to cast the special ability [b][i]Smite[/i][/b]. A powerful spear of lightning will drop down from the clouds on the intended targets, juicing them with so much volts of electricity they explode. [*][color=gray][i]Cloud and Squall[/i][/color] are the twin short swords magnetically attached to Balthair's greaves. Like, Lightning Edge, the short swords can send small whips of lightning at an enemy. Balthair can join the two blades with a chain of lightning and whirl them like linked sickles. [*][color=gray][i]Rain Water[/i][/color] a skin of rain water that Balthair carries with him. Most will see him take a few sips of water, but he rarely eats or drinks. He hardly feels the urge.[/list] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjM2LjhjODg4Ny5UM1JvWlhJLC4wAAAAAAA,/ferrum.extra-condensed.png[/img] [list][*][color=gray][i]Jetstream[/i][/color] an attack where Balthair flies by an enemy or enemies so fast that the winds from his passing will bowl them over. [*][color=gray][i]Light Scatter[/i][/color] with a strong flap from his wings, Balthair will release a cloud of white feathers that will suddenly flash with a blinding light to disorient and distract an enemy or enemies. [*][color=gray][i]Thunder Clap[/i][/color] When Blathair is equipped with Cloud and Squall, he can clang the weapons together to have them produce a thunderous [i]thoom[/i], sending destructive decibels in a cone at multiple enemies.[/list]