[@Letmehaveone2][@Mae] Park: Slacky being carried felt happy. She decided she wouldn't devour this town to feed her endless hair-supply. (Not that anyone would notice.) "People are dumb..." She mumbled as she was being moved. Squeezing through her eyes, she saw a bunch of people touching eachother.. but 2 really stood out..... ----- Aki told him the following: "As a child, i have heard many tales about you. You, A werecreature!" He leaned to the left. "A shark it seems." He grinned. "Don't stay out on land to long, you might kill someone." Aki looked down as he felt something touching his heel. "Hmm.. And you especially need to stay away from fluffer over here." He picked up Mizu and pet her the way only villians know how to. "I'll see you in the morning, Sharky. After you slept with the fishes." He laughed at his own terrible pun.