[center] BELLARINO While his twin went off to distract their oldest brother, Bellarino hurried to Bellerophon’s room. He had to go the long way because of that prick, but he had faith that his brother would be able to distract the idiot. A few minutes later, he was breathing heavy from the fast running he did, and cursing Evelina because she didn’t look exhausted at all. She just looked bored and that pissed him off. “What the hell, are you a freak?? How are you not tired?!” he panted, glaring at his protector with a mix of resentment and confusion. “Exercise.” she replied blandly, and Bellarino felt like he was being insulted somehow. Was this bitch insisting he was out of shape?! He growled and told her to shut the fuck up, before he continued down the hallway. The prince didn’t see any of his brothers up ahead, only one person standing in front of the door. The ears made him easily recognizable as the Kyuberos copy. An idea instantly popped into his head and he made his way over to the protector with a mischievous smirk. “Hey!!! Kyubunny! Help me with a prank! It will make both Bellerophon and Belladon mad. Cool, huh?” he said excitedly, speaking to him in a friendly tone, like he usually did when he wanted something from him. Bellarino was hoping that Kyuubee’s resentment for his brothers outweighed his resentment for him. “See I found Bellerophon’s flower, and I was gonna burn it, but then that prick Belladon stole it from me before we could! You should help me get it back. Then Bellerophon would be so sad, you know? Isn’t it so great when he’s sad? What do you say?” CORDELIA “Yes, my prince, very unfortunate. It’s almost as if it moved on its own…”she sighed, momentarily leaving Belvedere’s side to help Prince Belisario. She extended her hand to the blue haired prince to help pull him up from the floor after Belladon had shoved him. At the same time, Cordelia turned her head towards the other pair. “Prince Belladon?” she addressed cautiously. “Would you like me to call a healer?” CHARLOTTE “I’m in charge?” she said surprised. She felt nervous at being assigned to lead something so important, but if he believed in her then she would trust his judgment. It was up to her and the girls to save Adonis. She couldn’t mess this up. She wouldn’t. As the shock subsided, Charlotte nodded confidently. “Yes, Peppa Jack! I can do this. I won’t fail! Peppa’s cupcakes are the best, so one look at us, Adonis will be invisible to those guards.” she replied, filled with determination. TIARO He said nothing to Ororo, despite feeling grateful for her barrier, for he was too disgusted by the sight before him to utter a thank you. Just as he had nearly finished taking care of the inconvenience with the Mancini, more trouble appeared in the form of the annoying man dressed in white. His least favorite person had arrived. The top hatted bastard, Criminal Nova. “You must have thought very highly of me then, Nova. To think I was better than this. I am honored. Flattered, even.” he drawled sarcastically, his full attention on the vigilante. “But I have better things to do than put up with you. Leave. Unless you want to be set on fire.” Tiaro’s eyes then flickered to the Mancini girl. She seemed like the type of person who valued family greatly, and her desperate pleas from earlier assured Tiaro that she would keep her mouth shut. “Very well, little Mancini. I am not unreasonable. As long you keep your promise, we will not have to meet again.” He gave her one last intimidating glare before returning his attention to Criminal Nova, who unsurprisingly had not left yet. “Nova, take the girl with you. I have finished my business with her.” He might as well take advantage of the nuisance’s appearance and save Ororo the trouble of returning her to the surface. And Criminal Nova would be out of his property, a great bonus for Tiaro. ANGELIC “You’re welcome!” he replied, in awe that he was graced with the sight of a smile on Satanic’s face. He felt relieved that he did not upset his protector and the idol felt overwhelmed by happiness just from this small accomplishment. However, Satanic’s next words surprised him. He went through most of his life never having faith in himself so he never thought that he would meet somebody who believed in him, when Angelic himself did not. “R-really?” he asked astonished, but unlike Satanic the happiness was clear in Angelic’s expression. “W-wow, thanks, Satanic. I…um, I’ve always wished…I was confident.” He admitted, silently thinking of his parents. His parents were so unlike him, they were so confident in themselves that Angelic couldn’t help but wish he could be like that too. “U-until now, I-I’ve never really, ah, had anyone give me a r-reason to believe um…believe that I can reach that goal someday…” He had no idea why he was suddenly confessing these feelings, but Angelic didn’t want to make Satanic bored or uncomfortable, so he decided to change the subject. “Um, anyways…it’s pretty cold.” He said, glancing up at the sky as snow began to fall. They were currently in the North and felt really lame stating the obvious. “Uh, what I mean, is that we should go inside somewhere. Um…Maybe that shop over there?”he suggested, pointing to the clothing store that they were headed to in the first place before Angelic forgot about it, due to the fans showing up. He still wanted a scarf to help him deal with the cold, but Angelic wondered, would Satanic accept one if bought him one too? VALEXANDER The shouting match between his brother and mother continued, despite his father trying to settle the situation down. He felt guilty for causing the fight, because if it wasn’t for his mom getting mad, then Valhero wouldn’t have stepped in to defend him. He sighed and leapt off the couch. He didn’t want to listen to this argument anymore. He snuck out of the room but just as he was about to head to his bedroom, the noise suddenly quieted down and he could hear his father speaking. “Valora, Valhero, look there’s no time for this,” he heard his dad begin to say, “I received a call from Mr. Khopesh, he said Valalee never showed up…” Valexander froze and stopped eavesdropping after those words. Was his baby sister missing?! He had to look for her! Ignoring the fact that his mother had forbid him from leaving the house, Valexander hurried out the door and into the backyard. Approaching their stable, he stepped inside and looked for their horse. His mom took away his wand as punishment, so he needed a way to move quickly while searching the old-fashioned way: with his eyes. Valexander had no idea how to properly ride a horse, since the one they owned was only used to carry heavy items, but how hard could it be, really? “Come on old buddy, let’s find my sister!” he spoke to the horse with fiery determination as he placed a saddle on the white mare’s back. He had no idea if he placed it on properly, but he didn’t have time to learn if it was correct. Valexander hopped onto the horse’s back and after a few moments of sitting on her without falling off, he slowly led her out of the stable. “Good girl.” he cooed, patting the animal’s hair as she entered the yard. Valexander looked both ways to see if his parents were around, and seeing that the coast was clear, he grinned. “Valnay, full speed ahead!” he yelled, but instead of running like he expected, the horse just…slowly…walked ahead. “Valnay?! Come on, why are you so slow?!”he asked confused, but Valnay only neighed playfully and continued walking as slow as Belshazzar’s dinosaur when it did not have any food to motivate it. “Um??? HELLO! Valnay, we have to go find my sister!”he shouted, but the horse only stopped, and started eating the grass. Frustrated, Valexander groaned and climbed down the animal, pouting as he stared at her. “Fine, I’ll just walk, you lazy jerk.” he complained to the horse, but she ignored him in favor of eating. He spun around and ran out of his yard, sprinting in the direction he knew Valalee left in whenever she went to her lessons. [/center]