Grace drew doodles as well, to document the girl’s behavior. Quickly drawing the girl huddling into her oversized sweater Grace smiled and asked another question. “How do you like it here?” she asked, not knowing if any patients were allowed outside. This place seemed to be rather old fashioned and boring in her opinion. The black haired woman squirmed in her seat before falling into a comfortable position and smiling again. “Please tell me that the food isn’t cardboard here,” she whined. Despite her petite size Grace could eat. If the food was indeed cardboard or otherwise inedible she’d have to bring food for herself, as well as Emma. The girl seemed sweet and she reminded Grace of a small puppy; playful and as sweet as a gumdrop. The only problem was this damned facility. It didn’t seem to do much to improve the morale of its patients, she had seen several and they didn’t seem to be happy but who would be happy here, in their shoes? They needed help but they didn’t need to be slowly killed with boredom. It saddened the woman to think that Emma was in such a situation when a girl her age should be making friends and having fun, not wasting her live away in a place with too few nurses and grouchy patients. Grace set her things aside as she got up and went to the small stash of her supplies, pulling out a small pocket sketchbook and a pack of new colored pencils and a few drawing pencils, Grace presented them to Emma. “Since Dr. Dick was being a dick and tried to take away a very valuable healing tool, I’ll give you these. I can always get more supplies and eventually I’d like for everyone to get into art.” Grace said to the girl with a slight longing look at the black bound sketchbook. Art helped so much more than people realized and it would be nice to liven this place up with drawings and paintings from the patients. “Since it’s lunchtime lets go get something to eat—If it’s bad enough I’ll sneak us in some food.” Grace giggled. So far Emma was her priority since there were a few other doctors to help with the older patients. They had assigned Emma to her specifically because Grace was the closest in age to the girl, as the other doctors were all older. She had a total of six patients; she had seen a few already but they refused to answer her questions beyond the simple ones. --- Abigail nodded, “Grace always has to redo someone’s work. You know how she is with things being boring or left out.” The girl sighed.