Maverick breathed hard as he drove his sword through the center of another of the little golems, cleaving it in half. Bringing his armored boot up to his chest, he kicked another across the room, bowling to a few more of them. The golems were sturdy and strong, but their small size and slow movements made them relatively easy to hold at bay- at least until they were overwhelmed. Shooting a look over his shoulder, Maverick kicked one last golem away before he sprinted up the stairs. Bounding up the steps with Archimedes, Maverick paused at the door, holding it open for Urkwia before he slammed the door shut. "Sparky! Lock it!" he called out as he shoved his shoulder against the door. He could hear the sound of stone and concrete falling and tumbling, so Urkwia's water seemed to be working for now, but he'd feel more comfortable if the door was firmly locked behind them. The little companion program chirped happily as it floated in front of the door, a small interface appearing as it interacted with the doorknob and locked it. With the door good and shut, Maverick breathed out in relief and joined Urkwia and Archimedes at the laptop, his helmet opening up to reveal his face again, now that the threat was over. Reading the text himself, Maverick found himself shrugging, not totally sure what to do, and not particularly caring what the Hacker had to say- All the hackers they had run into had some sort of superiority complex- As Archimedes pointed out. It was the main reason why these Collisions always looked like artistic representations of places instead of a drab and simple grid-zone. The youngest and least experienced of the three, Maverick generally found himself gravitating toward's the decisions of the others. "We're not gonna get anything done just standing here. We oughta just keep going, and roll with the punches as they come."