[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/tufXHYj.jpg[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVezbVxp2Pw]Something to listen to[/url] [color=IndianRed][h3]Rear Admiral Victor Galahad[/h3][h2][i]'The Lion of Ganymede'[/i][/h2][/color][/center] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] Victor T. Galahad[/color] [u][b]Age:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] 48[/color] [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] Male[/color] [b][u]Unit:[/u][/b][color=IndianRed] Warfleet Charles, 5th Fleet 'The Fighting Fifths'[/color] [hr] [u][b]Rank:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] Rear Admiral[/color] [u][b]Role:[/b][/u] [color=IndianRed]Fleet Commander[/color] [u][b]Allegiance:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] The Dominion[/color] [hr] [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u][color=IndianRed] [list] [*]Dominion Naval Officer Dress Uniform [*]A revolver sidearm [*]Photograph of wife and daughter [/list][/color] [hr] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [color=indianred]Tall, and straight-backed, Victor Galahad is well known as one of the tallest officers in the Charles Warfleet. Standing in at 6'4", he strikes an imposing, almost regal appearance, that is marred(or accented) by a missing eye and a myriad of scars over his face. His steel blue eyes are sharp and piercing, and seem to constantly scan and analyze whatever it looks at, and his deep brown hair contrasts the pale skin of one that spends a large amount of his life in space. He walks with a slight limp in his left leg, and constantly wears an eyepatch over a cybernetic prosthetic.[/color] [b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] [color=indianred]Direct and to the point, this man is a sharp witted soldier that avoids beating around the bush and doesn't mince words. Brutally honest and blunt, Galahad's calm and collected demeanor is often mistaken for an uncaring and aloof disposition, and his cynicism and pessimist/realist attitude does little to change the opinions of others. Underneath his quiet persona lies an innate brilliance, a highly intuitive and calculative mind. Highly logical and orderly, Galahad is efficient and analytical, but often accused of lacking outward compassion. He is a competent tactician boasting considerable knowledge of theory, and decades of field experience. Strong willed and possessing an air of determination, Galahad likes to maintain awareness over every situation he's in and is quick on the ball, able to make snap judgements in combat and react to a constantly changing situation. Despite his cold demeanor, Galahad is well respected by the men under his command- he demands a lot from his men, but wouldn't command them to do anything that he would be unwilling to do himself. Viewed as an inspiring war hero for aspiring Jovian officers, Galahad accepts nothing less than 100% effort from himself and those under his command. [/color] [b][u]History:[/u][/b] [color=indianred]Victor Galahad was born the first son of Thomas and Amanda Galahad on Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter's moons, and the Capital of the Jovian Moons in the Sol System. His father was a retired engineer for the Dominion military- injuries had left him unable to continue service, while his mother worked as a nurse at the local hospital. Despite his humble family origins, Victor nevertheless excelled in school and earned excellent grades, earning himself a scholarship to the esteemed Mars Military Institute, one of the most, if not [i]the[/i] most decorated military academy in the Sol System. The Mars Military Institute was an extremely competitive area, success in this academy meant you were destined for greatness in military service as a true commander of the military. Failure, or even mediocrity meant you would find yourself in vitally important, but utterly boring staff and support positions. Victor proved that he had what it took and more time and time again. He became a thinker, able to think of solutions that others may not. Pitted against computer simulations programmed to understand even the most complicated battle tactics, he was trained in reading terrain, gathering information and even in espionage. Graduating at the top of his class, Victor was well received by the Dominion Military and was given his first command at the age of 22. His first command was on the DNS Hectate, a blockade runner tasked with delivering needed supplies and munitions to beleaguered worlds and fleets on the front lines of the conflict. Despite being a minimally armed warship with a notoriously short life expectancy, Victor Galahad managed to lead his crew through 17 successful relief missions in his first few months of duty. Shortly after his first year of duty, Galahad was reassigned to the command of a patrol frigate tasked with hunting down pirates or providing support to larger naval vessels. He rose steadily through the ranks over the course of the next decade. During this time he proposed to and married his highschool sweetheart and had a daughter soon after. While a successful and respected captain in his own right, Galahad didn't earn any particular notoriety until 5137, during the Siege of Ganymede. This was a battle which took place between the remnants of the 16th Battlegroup, consisting of a carrier, a cruisers and a pair of frigates, attempting to break through a massive blockade andsiege by a UDSN invasion fleet. Cut off from reinforcements and facing the destruction of both the battlegroup, as well as the loss of Ganymede, Galahad and his small command arrived to the aid of the the beleaguered Dominion ships. Forced into employing a risky plan, the Dominion forces resorted to using a diversionary tactic, the remaining frigates and cruiser rushed the enemy lines, while a fast attack cruiser under the direct command of Victor, escorted by a small unit of fighters swept wide around the enemy formations to destroy enemy capital ships and key structures. With most of the armament depleted, the Dominion forces used Victor's cruiser and his fighters to launch nuclear mines into the midst the enemy formations. During the attack, Victor launched a total of twenty two nuclear warheads at the UDSN fleet from close proximity. The success of the Victor's tactics resulted in the destruction of the the UDSN flagship as well as several other capital ships. Without the leadership to coordinate the large fleet's action, the ensuing disarray allowed the remaining Dominion ships to hold out long enough for a relief fleet to rescue them. While the fleet had been decimated and reduced to a single carrier and cruiser, the UDSN had been beaten and Victor dubbed a war hero. Victor earned himself the title 'The Lion of Ganymede' that day. Earning a medal for heroism, Victor was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and spent several years leading successful campaigns against the UDSN, and played a key role in the reconquering of the Vega System. With his highly successful 'Fighting Fifths', a small, but elite fleet made up primarily of Jovians, Victor is a force to be reckoned with, and was requested personally by the esteemed Imperial Duke Charles to aid him in the defence of the Galactic South of the Orion Arm. Now operating directly under Imperial Duke Charles, Victor serves as the commander of one of the Duke's venerable Carrier fleets, leading his elite Fighting Fifths into battle at the Duke's whim. [/color] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/aQcoITB.jpg[/img] [center][h2]5th Imperial Expeditionary Fleet[/h2][/center] Rear Admiral Victor Galahad, also known as the 'Lion of Ganymede' is known for making a lot with a little. At his command is the venerable 5th Imperial Expeditionary Fleet, 'The Fighting Fifths'. Based in the Sol System, The 5th Fleet is an elite unit made up of mostly Jovians, and pulls many of its members from the various decorated Military Academies on Mars, Europa, and Earth. Under the command of Victor Galahad, this unit has seen many successful campaigns, from the Vega system to the Deneb and Callisto systems. With an extremely strict screening policy, only soldiers and officers of high caliber are considered for selection from transfer requests, and Victor Galahad has hand picked each and every captain that currently commands the ships within his fleet. The 5th Expeditionary Fleet is known for the tenacity of their officers, exemplary record, and combat prowess. [hr] [h3]Fleet Makeup:[/h3] Orion-Class Battlecarrier x1 (Flagship) Apollo-Class Battlecruiser x4 Exeter-Class Strike Cruiser x8 Wolf-Class Patrol Frigate x8 Harpui-Class Destroyer Escort x6 Prosperity-Class Logistics Cruiser x2 [hider=Ship Schematics] [hider=Orion-Class Carrier][img]http://i.imgur.com/7Mreltn.jpg[/img] [center][i]'Pretia libertatis est lex'[/i][/center] [b][u]Name of Ship:[/u][/b] The DNS Roanoke [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Carrier [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Orion-Class Battlecarrier Developed by Boeing Aerospace Industries, the Orion-Class battlecarrier is one of the largest series of ships to ever be developed. The Orion-Class was developed when the Imperial Naval Procurement department called for a 'Bastion of defense, a defensible, and heavily armed ship with sufficient firepower to intimidate pirates and ward off another major power.' With exceptionally high development and production costs, the Orion-Class is a powerful ship with limited production numbers, often serving as flagships for fleets. Due to its high cost and production value, production of the Orion-Class battlecarrier has largely been superseded by the Callisto-class, which while smaller and less armed and armored overall, is considerably cheaper to produce. Due to its cost and the prevalence of Callisto carriers, only 127 Orion-Class ships have ever been built, with another 23 currently in production at the Mars Shipyards. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3][img]http://i.imgur.com/30k2gcy.jpg[/img] Large and spacious, the Orion-Class is considered a luxurious and 'cushy' assignment, with transfer requests often reaching into the hundreds of thousands. Its hallways are functional and wide, and it has the space to offer small, but individual bedrooms for officers on board the ship- such as its pilots. The ship itself also features three recreation rooms- a gym, an officer's bar, and an observation room. It should be noted that, due to its size and to conserve power, the Orion-class, like most Dominion vessels, has no gravity in most locations, save the recreation rooms and optional gravity fields for officer quarters. The heart of the Orion-Class is its Phobos Fusion Reactor. With deuterium tankage for eight months, tied to an efficient mag-grav sweep system, the Phobos can sustain The Orion-class for up to fifteen months of minimal activity before fuel reserves will run low. At that point, it can refuel from any planet with a hydrogen/helium rich atmosphere using the 'drag scoop' maneuver to skim the atmosphere for fuel. Aft of the reactor section and the tankage is the ships battery of Impellor drives, rated for 2.2G of continuous acceleration, though fleet trials have pushed this to 2.5G with a low payload mass. The drive section can also deploy solar panels to provide additional power when in range of a star. Nestled between the Impellor drive and the Reactor is the ship's Kearnsky-Fuchida Warp drive. By bridging two points in space the drive can rapidly move the Orion-class up to 50 light years, cutting the travel time to a few hours. This requires significant charging, with a jump delay of 48 hours, much slower than the fleet norm, which is currently 42 for most cruisers and battleships. Astride the drive and engineering spaces is the Docking Collar. A pair of mounts equipped to handle up to 2 destroyer sized ships each, the Docking collar allows the Orion to bring 'Tag along' ships which lack jump drives of their own. At the front and rear are the entrance of the ship's massive flight deck. Cavernous hangars, equipped to handle several dozen small craft at a time, the Flight deck also houses the Marine Barracks, the engineering crew quarters, and holding bays for approximately 100 strike craft. The hangar is connected by a series of tramways, and it's superstructure is built to be extremely durable to make up for the natural weakness of having a giant gap through the center of the ship. Sitting at the midship is the bridge and CIC, a tall structure, reinforced with armor and support struts. The CIC itself is multilevel, and has metal blast shields lowered over the glass during combat. Sitting on top of the bridge is the observation deck. [b][h3]Weapons:[/h3][/b] In order to fulfill its requisition order, the Orion-Class, while designed to work as a support unit for fleet actions, is armed to the teeth and sports enough weaponry to smash through any smaller ship it comes across. Though its onboard weapon systems are impressive, the most important aspect of the Orion-class is its ability to project power in the form of strike craft to incredible ranges. Mounted underneath the ship and powered by its own reactor and capacitor system, the Orion-class mounts a twin-barreled 850mm Positron Beam Cannon turret. Called the 'Red Button' by the crew, this is a powerful anti-capital ship weapon. These powerful beam cannons are even more powerful than their standard plasma-based cousins, launching an arcing bolt of destructive energy that while relatively ineffective against shields, is devastating against hull and armor. It should also be noted that these beams release an intense amount of highly lethal gamma radiation, and for these reasons The Neo-Geneva Conventions have restricted their use to space only, as the radiation is capable of disrupting the local atmosphere. Though powerful, the draw on power resources is often too prohibitively high for use on non-capital targets. Instead, the primary armament for the Orion-class is a set of 14 twin-barreled 400mm Plasma Beam Cannons mounted on the dorsal line above and below the ship. These heavy beam cannons make short work of most smaller vessels, overload shields, and ward off close range attackers, but can also be a threat to larger capital ships. Unlike traditional Mass-driver cannons, the Orion's beam cannons are considerably more accurate, able to track better than projectile based weapons, with just as much, if not more power- though cannot fire as quickly as Mass Drivers. Supplementing the main guns, the Orion also mounts 18 120mm Mass Driver turrets scattered around the ship for close in defense against smaller ships, though the sheer number of shells can also pose a threat to larger cruiser type ships as well. Designed to provide accurate, rapid fire with a decent punch, though heavier warships are capable of forcing their way through this fire, it is well suited to overwhelming enemy shield systems. Four Trebuchet missile bays carry 50 anti capital missiles each, supplementing the main guns. With a secondary magazine located in the hold holding another 200, the ship has enough missiles for 5 minutes of sustained fire. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target the Orion-class has. The Orion also features 12 smaller Stiletto missile launchers- these missile launchers are 12-racked launcher systems that can deploy a variety of smaller missiles, such as the popular Harpoon or Spitfire missiles, for anti-fighter/bomber purposes. Finally, the Orion-class mounts a staggering 160 heavy rail cannons in 40 four gun 'ball' turrets, which retract and are covered by blast shields when not in use. Designed for AA work and interception, these cannons provide a murderous hail of tungsten slugs designed to fill local space around the ship with an expanding 'cone of death', that should shred any missile or drive off any fighter that gets too close to the ship. In addition to Tungsten slugs, the rail cannons can be outfitted to fire proximity detonating flak shells for short-ranged saturation fire. [h3][b]Defenses:[/b][/h3] Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts almost a meter of Durralex Nano-plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. Able to withstand direct hits from nuclear weapons, the Cobblestone is a more recent addition as part of the last round of upgrades, and detrimentally affected the ship's handling. To quote one Commander: 'She handled like an iron bathtub full of water before. Now she handles like an iron bathtub full of concrete, covered in grease'. ECW defence includes several dedicated ECM defence nodes, located on top of the bridge and observation deck. Finally, a powerful reflex shield generators allows the ship to deflect conventional and plasma attacks. In addition to its armor, the Orion-class also features 14 VelCan Point Defense Turrets. These point-defense variants feature 6 barrels instead of the standard 3, and are programmed to target incoming missiles, only firing at enemy fighters when there is a lack of missile targets. The Orion also mounts 8 Buckler Missile launchers. The buckler missiles launchers are fast targeting missile systems that can rapidly target incoming torpedos and large missiles and launch a small but fast missile that seeks out and destroys the oncoming missile. Like all capital ships of her size and construction, the greatest threats come from bigger, meaner capital ships, concentrated attack by destroyers or close range 'skin dancing' attacks by Strike craft. An Orion separated from its support fleet is a commander's worst nightmare, and the best defense for a carrier is often its own strike-craft compliment. [b][h3]Flight Deck:[/h3][/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/gsWvcPf.jpg[/img] A marvel of engineering, the flight deck and associated hanger bays have stowage for about 125 small craft of various types. The typical Orion-class- such as the DNS Roanoke carries of 24 F-87 Aegis II Aerospace fighters, 16 B34 Redeemer Aerospace bombers, 48 T-22 Dirk Interceptors, 12 Albatross heavy assault ships, and 5 marine assault gunships. Fighters are deployed via magnetic catapult on the flight deck and can be recovered using the same equipment. The ship also carries 4 shuttles for general shipping duties, 1 bulk lifter and 6 SRR(Search-Rescue-Repair) craft. 9 T-88 Seer class scout ships round out the ships compliment. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] The ships company runs to 4600 over all ranks and specializations, including a dedicated security detachment. Attached to the Roanoke is the 144th 'Direwolves' Aerospace Squadron, and the 132nd 'Longbows' Aerospace Squadron. The combined airwing has a compliment of about 800 crew, including pilots, and the Marine Battalion aboard numbers 400. [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders. [h3][b]Statistics:[/b][/h3] Length: 1150m Mass: 500,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 6000~ Jump Range: 50 light years Jump delay: 48 hours Endurance: 8 months [/hider] [hider=Apollo-Class Battlecruiser][img]http://i.imgur.com/anD0zLP.jpg[/img] [i][center]'In Imperium Veritas'[/center][/i] [b][u]Name of Ship(s):[/u][/b] The DNS Admirable, Resolute, Valor, and Dextrous [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Cruiser [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Apollo-Class Battlecruiser Developed to fulfill a contract laid out by the Dominion Systems Navy for a ship with similar armament and power to that of a battleship, but with the speed and agility of a cruiser. The Apollo-class is a staple cruiser of the Dominion Systems Navy, and fills the roles of 'light carrier', 'battleship', and 'assault cruiser' in equal measures. A fine addition to any fleet, the Apollo, along with the Exeter makes the bulk of any Dominion fleet. The Apollo sports the firepower needed to give pause to enemy fleets, and possesses extra flexibility and power projection in the form of strike craft. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] Sitting in the rear of the ship, surrounded by tons of redundant systems and armor is its Twin Miyaka Fusion Reactor. With deuterium tankage for eight months, tied to an efficient mag-grav sweep system, the Apollo can sustain The itself for up to a year of minimal activity before fuel reserves will run low. At that point, it can refuel from any planet with a hydrogen/helium rich atmosphere using the 'drag scoop' maneuver to skim the atmosphere for fuel. Aft of the reactor section and the tankage is a pair of tall Impellor drives, rated for 3G of continuous acceleration. Nestled between the Impellor drive and the Reactor is the ship's Kearnsky-Fuchida Warp drive. By bridging two points in space the drive can rapidly move the Apollo-class up to 50 light years, cutting the travel time to a few hours. A docking collar on top and below the ship, allowing it to bring tag-along ships or ships without warp drives of their own. Sitting on the Apollo's 'shoulders' are its two flight decks. These large hangars are equipped to handle several small craft at a time, and has holding bays for approximately 40 strike craft. The hangar is connected by a series of tramways, and it's superstructure is built to be extremely durable to make up for the natural weakness of having a giant gap in the ship. Sitting at the midship is between the two hangars is the bridge and CIC, a tall structure, reinforced with armor and support struts. The CIC itself is multilevel, and has metal blast shields lowered over the glass during combat. Sitting on top of the bridge is the observation deck. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] An battlecruiser designed to support fleet actions as well as act independently, the Apollo is a heavily armed ship for its class, and excels at both close range operations and point defense, as well as long ranged combat, with its strike craft to help it reach out and strike at distant targets. The Apollo mounts an impressive 18 120mm Mass Driver turrets for close in defense against smaller ships, though the sheer number of shells can also pose a threat to larger cruiser type ships as well. Designed to provide accurate, rapid fire with a decent punch, though heavier warships are capable of forcing their way through this fire, it is well suited to overwhelming enemy shield systems. Two Trebuchet missile launchers fire up to 50 anti capital missiles each. Smaller than the Orion's trebuchets, the Armstad missiles are still a credible threat to most spacefaring vessels. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target. Sitting under circular blast shields , the Apollo can deploy 4 twin-barreled 400mm Plasma Beam Cannons. These heavy beam cannons make short work of most smaller vessels, overload shields, and ward off close range attackers, and are also a threat to larger capital ships. Finally, the Apollo mounts 80 heavy rail cannons in 40 twin-barreled turrets. Designed for AA work and interception, these cannons ward off oncoming threats and can be loaded with flak shells as well as tungsten slugs. [h3][b]Defences:[/b][/h3] Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts about 1 meter of Durralex plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. The Apollo as a result is quite heavily armored for its size and weight class. The ship can also project a power reflex shield, to protect it from weapons fire of all types. [b][h3]Flight Deck:[/h3][/b] The flight deck and associated hanger bays have stowage for about 60 small craft of various types. The typical Apollo-class carries 12 F-87 Aegis II Aerospace fighters, 4 B34 Redeemer Aerospace bombers, 24 T-22 Dirk Interceptors, 4 Albatross heavy assault ships, and 4 marine assault gunships. Fighters are deployed via magnetic catapult on the flight deck and can be recovered using the same equipment. The ship also carries 4 shuttles for general shipping duties, 1 bulk lifter and 5 SRR(Search-Rescue-Repair) craft. 2 Seer Scout craft round out this complement. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] 2100 across all ranks and classes, with a short company of marines (200). Attached is a single extended squadron, with approximately 50 pilots, and an airwing complement of approximately 400 men. [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders. [b][h3]Statistics:[/h3][/b] Length: 750m Mass: 400,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 2750 Jump Range: 50 Lightyears Jump delay: 42 Hours Endurance: 8 months [/hider] [hider=Exeter-Class Strike Cruiser][img]http://i.imgur.com/XaiKhNZ.jpg[/img] [i][center]'Pax superiore vi telorum'[/center][/i] [b][u]Name of Ship(s):[/u][/b] The DNS Lincoln, Eisenhower, Churchill, Trudeau, Matamoto and Putin [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Cruiser [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Exeter-Class Strike Cruiser A 'Ship of the line' in the modern sense, the Exeter Strike Cruiser was developed to fulfill a contract laid out by the Dominion Systems Navy, for a general combat cruiser, fast enough to make decisive attacks, but well armed and armored enough to give pause to smaller battlegroups. The Exeter-class is a general purpose cruiser designed to support fleet operations as well as operate on its own and is common throughout the galaxy as flagships for smaller patrol fleets, or support ships for larger battlegroups. Most distinctive by its wedge-like shape, the Exeter is often referred to as the 'Spear of the Dominion'. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] At the centre of the ship is a Miyaka class fusion reactor, with deuterium reserves for ten months of operation. This part of the ship is heavily armoured, and sits in the center of the ship. Equipped with a pair of powerful impellor drives allows the Exeter to reach acceleration speeds of 3.5 Gs. It is appreciably agile compared to other ships of its size, and mounts enough armor to protect itself in the heat of a fight. Fore of the drive and engineering spaces is the bridge and CIC which extend above the ship to give it a commanding view of the ship and the battlescape. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] An attack ship designed to operate in tandem with a fleet as well as on its own, the Exeter is fast and moderately armed for most operational ranges, and a particularly tenacious commander can prove to be a threat to even enemy capital ships. The primary armament for the Exeter-class is a set of 3 twin-barreled 400mm Plasma Beam Cannons mounted on the dorsal line on the 'top' of the ship. These heavy beam cannons make short work of most smaller vessels, overload shields, and ward off close range attackers, but can also be a threat to larger capital ships. Unlike traditional Mass-driver cannons, the plasma beam cannons are considerably more accurate, able to track better than projectile based weapons, with just as much, if not more power- though cannot fire as quickly as Mass Drivers. On each of the 'wings' of the Exeter, above and below is a twin barreled 120mm Mass Driver turret. These turrets provide accurate, rapid fire with medium-low power- though a heavy capital ship or true battleship will easily muscle through that fire. These weapons are designed to punch through and overwhelm shielding systems, so its more powerful weapons can deal damage. Four Trebuchet missile bays carry 50 anti capital missiles each, supplementing the main guns. With a secondary magazine located in the hold holding another 200, the ship has enough missiles for 5 minutes of sustained fire. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target. Finally, the Exeter mounts 80 heavy rail cannons in 20 4-gun 'ball' turrets. Designed for AA work and interception, these cannons ward off oncoming threats and can be loaded with flak shells as well as tungsten slugs. [h3][b]Defences:[/b][/h3] Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the Exeter mounts about .75 meters of Durralex plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. With additional protection in the form of a powerful reflex shield, the Exeter is fairly defensible and is able to take quite a beating when compared to Internationale ships. ECW defence includes a dedicated ECM defence nodes, located on top of the bridge and observation deck. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] 1800 across all ranks and classes, with a company of marines (200) [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders. [b][h3]Statistics:[/h3][/b] Length: 450m Mass: 350,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 2000 Jump Range: 50 Lightyears Jump delay: 42 Hours Endurance: 10 months [/hider] [hider=Wolf-Class Patrol Frigate][img]http://i.imgur.com/uI3MxAp.png[/img] [i][center]'Fortior simul, seorsum infirmior'[/center][/i] [b][u]Name of Ship(s):[/u][/b] The DNS Syracuse, Annapolis, Manchester, St. Petersburg, Tokyo, Washington, London and Guangzhao. [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Frigate [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Wolf-Class Patrol Frigate Developed to fulfill a contract laid out by the Dominion Systems Navy, the Wolf-class is a workhorse frigate designed to support fleet operations in an atmosphere and in space, primarily by providing point-defense for capital ship groups, or targeted fire for ground assaults. With only a small crew and relatively small armament, the Wolf-class Patrol Frigate needs to operate in part of a larger task group to be truly effective. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] At the centre of the ship is a WhiteStar class fusion reactor, with deuterium reserves for three months of operation. This part of the ship is heavily armoured, with only its fuel line for the reactor and the rear service hatchways providing any chinks in the armour belt. Equipped with a pair of oversized impellor drives for its mass, the Wolf can reach acceleration speeds of 5.8 Gs. In atmosphere, it can achieve Mach .5 as a cruising speed, depending on local gravity and atmospheric density and conditions. Its high speeds and small size make it excellent for closing the distance on enemy ships and engaging at close range. It can also react quickly to changes in the battlescape and move accordingly. Fore of the drive and engineering spaces is the docking point. Mounted at the bottom of the ship and linking into the tankage system, this docking point is designed to interface with docking collars found on capital ships like the Orion-class battlecarrier and the smaller Castillo-class carriers. Opposite of the docking point is the bridge and CIC. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] An assault and patrol ship designed to support fleet actions, the Wolf is fast and well armed for close range operations and point defense, but is still too small to think of engaging enemy capital ships without support. Two Armstad missile bays carry 50 anti capital missiles each. Smaller than the Orion's trebuchets, the Armstad missiles are still a credible threat to most spacefaring vessels. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target. For close in ship attack, 4 120mm Mass Driver turrets sit on the top of the hull to provide accurate, rapid fire with medium-low power- though a heavy capital ship or true battleship will easily muscle through that fire. These weapons are designed to punch through and overwhelm shielding systems via sustained fire, so more powerful weapons can deal damage. These Mass Driver Turrets can also sport a second 'quick change' barrel underneath the primary barrel. The secondary barrel is loaded with flak shells, and is used for point defense, primarily shooting down missiles, but also targeting slower moving bombers. For Anti-ship warfare, the Wolf-class sports a heavy torpedo bay in the front of the ship. Capable of launching a variety of different types of warheads, from 4 torpedo tubes, the torpedoes are slow and easy to outmaneuver, but are much more durable and resistant to point defense weapons than missiles. The Wolf-class typically carries a single clean-fusion nuclear torpedo, as well as a quartet of plasmatic-explosive torpedos, and a pair of 'Armor-Buster' torpedoes. Along with the torpedo bay, the Wolf Class has a single twin-barreled 400mm Plasma Beam Cannon mounted underneath the bow of the ship. The largest gun on the ship, the 400mm PBC is an appreciably powerful and effective weapon for general purpose work. Finally, the Wolf mounts 32 heavy rail cannons in 8 4-gun 'ball' turrets. Designed for AA work and interception, these cannons ward off oncoming threats and can be loaded with flak shells as well as tungsten slugs. [h3][b]Defences:[/b][/h3] Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts about .65 meters of Durralex plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. The Wolf as a result is quite heavily armored for its size and weight class. The ship can also project a limited reflex shield, which while less powerful than a capital ship field, provides solid defense against most light weapons fire for short periods of time. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] 120 across all ranks and classes, with a short company of marines (50) [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] Designed to operate with a larger vessel, the Wolf is a cramped, difficult posting reminiscent of the submarines of Earth in the 21st century. The toughness of the vessel is small comfort, as its relative size makes it vulnerable to larger ships and heavily armed strike craft alike. It works well as a system defense ship for inner worlds, and makes an excellent escort for any large capital vessel. Able to operate as a capable super heavy bomber in atmosphere, it is capable of supporting Marine landings and operations on a planetary surface. Its computer are very advanced, largely automated integrated systems that only need a few human operators. Defensive systems are largely automated, freeing up crew for maintenance and fire control. [b][h3]Statistics:[/h3][/b] Length: 150m Mass: 10,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 170 Jump Range: 50 Lightyears Jump delay: 32 Hours Endurance: 2 months [/hider] [hider=Harpui-Class Destroyer Escort][img]http://i.imgur.com/hpVbMfG.jpg[/img] [i][center]'Optima partium virtutis est prudentia'[/center][/i] [b][u]Name of Ship(s):[/u][/b] The DNS Silent Dawn, Morning Glory, Calm Retribution, Red Glare, Grim Ultimatum, and Twilight Eve [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Destroyer [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Harpui-Class Destroyer Escort Like most destroyers, the Boeing Aerospace Harpui-class Destroyer Escort is built to be both fast and deadly- closing in on enemy capital ships and destroying them from close proximity. Built fast and tough, with numerous and potent weapons, the Harpui Destroyer is a dedicated Capital Ship killer, that fares just as well in general ship to ship combat. A favorite of fleet commanders who prefer to move fast and hit hard, than slowly slug around with bigger battleships and cruisers. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] At the heart of the ship is a WhiteStar class fusion reactor, with deuterium reserves for up to eight months of operation. This part of the ship is heavily armoured, with only its fuel line for the reactor and the rear service hatchways providing any chinks in the armour belt. Equipped with a quartet of oversized impellor drives for its mass, the Harpui can reach acceleration speeds of 5.8 Gs. Its high speeds and small size, makes it highly mobile and difficult for enemy ships to track and destroy. Fore of the drive and engineering spaces is the docking point. Mounted at the bottom of the ship and linking into the tankage system, this docking point is designed to interface with docking collars found on capital ships like the Orion-class battlecarrier and the smaller Castillo-class carriers. Opposite of the docking point, between the engines is the bridge and CIC. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] A dedicated ship killer, the Harpui is heavily armed, and packs weaponry to make a battlecruiser pause. The Harpui is best known for its flurry of plasma beams that can quickly overload shields and tear about the ships behind them. As its primary weapon the Harpui sports a 850mm Positron Beam Cannon mounted in fixed position at the nose of the ship. Designed for Anti-ship warfare, these powerful beam cannons are even more powerful than their standard plasma-based cousins, launching an arcing bolt of destructive energy that while relatively ineffective against shields, is devastating against hull and armor. It should also be noted that these beams release an intense amount of highly lethal gamma radiation, and for these reasons The Neo-Geneva Conventions have restricted their use to space only, as the radiation is capable of disrupting the local atmosphere. Two support its main gun, the Harpui sports 10 twin-barreled 280mm Plasma Beam Cannons, 5 for each broadside. These cannons are less powerful than their 400mm variants, scaled down to compensate for the Harpui's smaller generator, but are still powerful enough to cause damage to most capital ships- the sheer number of them also overwhelm defenses, carving large gouges in the hull as they sweep across enemy armor. While not designed for AA and interception work, these smaller beam turrets are also fast enough that they can track and shoot down oncoming ordinance, and the beams can fire across each other to create 'fly nets' to trap and destroy offending fighters. Mounted along the spine of the Harpui are a pair of single-barreled 'shield buster' 120mm Mass Driver Cannons. These two Mass Driver Cannons are fire specialized rounds designed to punch through barriers and shields, to make way for the positron cannon. Two Armstad missile bays nestled between the broadsides carry 50 anti capital missiles each. Smaller than the Orion's trebuchets, the Armstad missiles are still a credible threat to most spacefaring vessels. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target. [h3][b]Defences:[/b][/h3] The Harpui mounts about 1.2 meters of Durralex plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. The ship can also project a powerful reflex shield, which while less powerful than a capital ship field, provides solid defense against most light weapons fire for short periods of time. Lacking dedicated interception weapons, the Harpui, while capable of defending itself against smaller threats, generally relies on other ships' Interception weapons to defend itself from a large amount of missiles. However, its strong shields and armor make it surprisingly durable for a ship of its size. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] 180 across all ranks and classes, and a short detachment of marines (20). [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders. [b][h3]Statistics:[/h3][/b] Length: 170m Mass: 12,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 200 Jump Range: 50 Lightyears Jump delay: 32 Hours Endurance: 8 months [/hider] [hider=Prosperity-Class Logistics Cruiser] [img]http://i.imgur.com/Y73kqgX.jpg[/img] [center][i]'Pax, Libertas, et Fortuna'[/i][/center] [b][u]Name of Ship(s):[/u][/b] The DNS Agincourt and Hastings [u][b]Type:[/b][/u] Cruiser [u][b]Class:[/b][/u] Prosperity-Class Logistics Cruiser The Prosperity Class of ships is a military retrofit of a former civilian ship. Designed for logistical, support, and humanitarian roles, the Prosperity-Class can barely be called a military vessel. Lightly armed, somewhat sluggish, and with all the grace of a box being forced to roll down a hill, the Prosperity class is nevertheless a beacon of hope, and an arguably angelic sight to beleaguered Dominion forces all over the galaxy. [h3][b]Layout:[/b][/h3] At the centre of the ship is a Massive Aeolus class fusion reactor, with deuterium reserves for eight months of operation. This part of the ship is heavily armoured, with its reactor hidden underneath metric tons of other systems. Its impellor drive allows the Prosperity class to reach top speeds of about 3G. Beside the drive and engineering spaces is the docking point. Linking into the tankage system, this docking point is capable of hooking up to ships of all sizes, to transfer crew, materials and supplies. Fore of that is the primary bridge and observational deck. There's a secondary observation deck on the underside of the ship. To either side of the ship are a set of 11 Drone pods. These pods open up to allow hosts of repair drones to make minute repairs to exteriors of ships. These drones are programmed with all Non-Top Secret Dominion schematics, and can operate on Ships as well as aerospace craft. Its most notable feature is the large sunken disk near the front that glows a bright blue. This disk houses the ship's Penumbra shield. Unlike most ship based reflex shields, the Punumbra shields projects a bubble that protects the interior of the shield from high velocity objects and energy weapons. Designed to protect escort ships and civilian ships, the Penumbra shield is not foolproof. It has the standard strength of a cruiser class reflex shield, but stretched to the entirety of the bubble. Ships and fighters can also pass through the shield unharmed, allowing them to attack those on the inside. [h3][b]Weapons:[/b][/h3] Designed to support fleets assets from afar or after battle, the Prosperity class is minimally armed and not designed to get into front line combat, though its shields and armor allow it to sustain a moderate amount of damage, and its repair crews and drones provide it with extended lifetime against damage over time. Two Armstad missile bays along the top of the ship's spine carry 50 anti capital missiles each. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target. These missiles can also be 'passed' to MAS units, who can control them to support their own attacks. For close in ship attack, 10 single turrets mounting 120mm Mass Driver cannons suffice to ward of close range attackers, though a heavy capital ship or true battleship will easily muscle through that fire. These medium power cannons give the Prosperity enough teeth to make a wary pirate or long attack ship think twice before striking at it, but are not enough to be of considerable use to fleet actions. Finally, the Prosperity mounts 120 heavy rail cannons in 30 four gun 'ball' turrets. Designed for AA work and interception, these designs provide good interception capabilities and are capable of loading tungsten slugs or flak rounds. [h3][b]Defences:[/b][/h3] Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts .5 meters of Durralex Ferro-fibrious armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. The result is a slow, but relatively durable ship capable of warding off small skirmishers until support can arrive. [h3][b]Flight Deck:[/b][/h3] Designed as a platform to support fleet assets, its hangar are a large, section that travel through the entirety of its width. With equipment bays and recharge points for strike craft, and a flight of manned resupply ships, and drone coordinator ships ready at all times, the Prosperity is capable of turning around a fighter or drop shuttle in minutes thanks to its automated repair units. [h3][b]Crew Compliment:[/b][/h3] 1600 across all ranks and classes, including a sizable engineering corps, with a short detachment of marine security (200) [h3][b]Other Capabilities:[/b][/h3] Designed to support other vessels, the Prosperity has never been a frontline vessel. Also, given its status as a former civilian ship, its amenities are considerably more lush than than most military ships. With its many automated systems, the majority of the ship's spare space is dedicated to its extensive manufacturing bays and material storage. Powered by the ship's massive reactor, given enough resources, the Prosperity can produce almost any piece of military equipment smaller than a spacefaring vessel via its advanced 3D printers and engineering bays. [h3][b]Statistics:[/b][/h3] Length: 850m Mass: 450,000 metric tons Crew Compliment: 1800 Jump Range: 50 Lightyears Jump delay: 42 Hours Endurance: 8 months [/hider][/hider]