[Hider][center][h3][color=92278f]The Fungal Knight[/color] vs [color=ed1c24]The Blood Devil[/color][/h3] [h2]Round IV[/h2][/center] [color=red][b][i]No![/i][/b][/color] Saria forced herself to stand, trying to ignore the agony that had burrowed itself deep into her body. Step by step, she staggered towards the crumpled figure that was sprawled out in the sand. Every step painfully pulled at her muscles, and she felt that at any moment, some ligament or tendon would shred itself from her bone. Her own primal, violent instinct to win was the only thing keeping her moving towards her target, and the raging flames that surrounded her reflected that bestial will. Bonesword wasn’t in any better shape. His armor was useless now, demolished by Saria’s devastating strike earlier. The metal had been rent and ruined down the middle, exposing almost all of the bone beneath. He had something in his hand, and Saria had to squint to see it clearly. When she did, she wasn’t worried at the least. [color=red][i]A stick? What’s he gonna do with a--[/i][/color] Caught off guard, Saria heard a sharp whistle, and felt something smash into her abdomen, and she went down hard, the wind vaporized from her lungs. Gasping for air, she looked back to see what he’d done, and saw that the stick had vanished from his hands, and somehow ended up next to her. [color=red][i]You throw sticks at your opponent? What a swordsman you are.[/i][/color] Saria forced herself up again, prepared this time. Bonesword had two sticks in his hands this time, and within the blink of an eye, flung the projectiles towards her, aiming to kill. She, however, was used to this. She recalled her training which had consisted of dodging projectiles, and put it to use. Even though she was most likely irreparably injured, she made her body dodge to the side, the two sticks missing her by a hair’s width and burying themselves in the sand behind her. Saria used the downtime to compel herself to push forward, as the Fungal Knight seemed to be too injured to move away from her. What energy he had left was to be used for fighting, not running. [color=red][i]Good, then you will die standing.[/i][/color] Bonesword dropped the sticks to his side, and raised his arms like he was praying to the sun. Saria felt the sand and soil beneath her rumble and shake, and tried to defend herself. Faster than before, vines, thick vines, shot up from the ground and seized her limbs, holding her in the air like she was being crucified. She tried to break free, but for the moment, it was useless. She would have to wait for her fire to burn them, and judging by the size of the new vines, she would be there for at least a couple of minutes before she could snap them. [color=92278f]“Hey Blood Devil, you ever heard of darts?”[/color] Saria was confused. Was this a trick question? Was he trying to make peace? Was he trying to scare her? All she could do was shake her head. She never knew if Bonesword could grin, but if he could, she was sure she saw the smile of the Devil make its way across his face. [color=92278f]“No? Oh, you’ll love this.”[/color] He grabbed the two sticks from earlier, and hurled them both at her. [color=red][i]Shit, I can’t move![/i][/color] Saria braced herself as much as she could as one stick slammed into her side, and she felt something break, grinding against itself as the stick made full impact. Saria coughed up blood, but she was given no respite. The second one smashed into her face, tearing a gash across her cheek. She spit the rest of the blood at Bonesword, and snarled. It was the least she could do, anyway. Bonesword looked to his right, then to his left. [color=92278f]“Well gee golly, looks like I’m out of sticks. It’s alright though, those vines’ll hold you up for another minute or so. In the meantime however…”[/color] A dozen vines rose from the ground, and turned towards her. [color=92278f]“Now, I wouldn’t be killing you like this if you hadn’t made fun of my love, so I’ll let you dwell on that while you’re getting your bones shredded by my vines.”[/color] Without another word, he let them loose. A storm of heavy blows struck her from all sides and all angles. In combat terms, it felt like a whole squad of soldiers were trying to stab her with maces. Saria fought to stay conscious, each punch feeling like it could burrow straight through her armor. [color=red]Come on, come on, endure! [b]Endure![/b][/color] She felt as if she repeated that word about a hundred times within that impossibly agonizing minute of torture, but it worked. Her fire had set the vines ablaze, and they were being turned to ash. She dropped to the ground, the impact jarring her insides, which felt like they’d been turned to jelly. At the moment, she could hardly move due to pain shock, but at least she could only barely feel the echoes of the attack. Within her daze Saria saw Bonesword shamble closer to her, his cracked leg barely supporting him. His armor was gone, discarded behind him. All that was left was simply a skeleton. And a mushroom crown. As he approached, he made sure to steer clear of her fire aura, which was shrinking by the minute. Saria once again felt the bond between her and the Red Blade loosen. [color=92278f]“Still alive, eh? Tough girl, I’ll give you that. I’m pretty beat up myself too, you know.”[/color] He reached for something in his back pocket, and pulled out a battered, metal flask. He unscrewed the cap, tilted his head back, and took a big swig. [color=92278f]“Greatest thing about being a skeleton: I can’t get drunk. Here, you want some?”[/color] He dumped the flask onto Saria’s face, and she screamed as the alcohol burned her gash like a red-hot poker. And just like that, all of the pain returned. Every broken bone, every fractured joint, every torn ligament or muscle, she felt it all. But with it, something else returned as well. A spark, once again. [color=92278f]“Well, won’t keep you waiting. I need [i]someone’s[/i] skeleton to replace this one.”[/color] He raised his black sword, and swung it at her head. For a moment, time seemed to move in slow motion for Saria. She saw the blade homing in towards her neck, yes, but this was different. She had a choice. She could either give up and fulfill her wish to die to a worthy opponent, or she could survive. She had already made her choice. As the sword arced down, Saria pushed herself back, and Bonesword had stuck his weapon into the sand. She scrambled to her feet and charged towards him, one last time. Every single part of her body burned in agony, but she willed it down. For what was more important than pain? As Saria came within punching distance, she knew the answer. [color=red][b][i]Victory.[/i][/b][/color] With all of her might she let loose a final, terrifying punch, and it smashed into his face with the force of her entire existence. Bonesword wasn’t launched into the air by the punch, nor set flying from the force. Saria was too weak for that now. Instead, he crashed into the dirt beneath them, and shook the depths of Hell.[/hider]