[center][h1][color=00a99d]Progression[/color]P4 [/h1][/center] Haley and Eric kept the same schedule that week and every week after that. They grew closer and friendlier with each other over the next month or two. One day Eric walked up to her after class and he blushed a little and asked her straight out. [color=00aeef]"Will you go to Homecoming with me?" [/color] Haley nodded happily and let him take her books like he had been doing. She had been making a lot of progress with her hip and she was feeling good with where things were with her and Eric. She had noticed people that had been overly friendly to her in the beginning now looked at her a little less than happily. She wondered why until one day in gym class. She had restrictions because of her hip but she still participated as much as she could. While playing dodge ball she got nailed hard in the side of the head. Haley landed on her knees and her hip took a rough jolt of pain. The tears threatened but they didn't fall. Instead she got pissed off. Getting to her feet she turned to the girl responsible who was laughing with her friends about her [i]"accidental hit"[/i] on the knew girl. One of Haley's friends saw her expression and walked over and took her by the elbow and walked her away rather quickly. Haley argued with her the entire way. [color=ed145b]"What the hell Lisa?"[/color] Haley said trying not to explode at her. [color=f26522]"Gretchen isn't worth it. She is just trying to rile you up."[/color] Lisa told her. Wiping the blood off of the side of her face with her hand she looked up at Lisa. [color=ed145b]"Ya think? Question...WHY is she trying to rile me up?"[/color] [color=f26522]"Probably because Eric asked you to Homecoming and not her. They used to date before you came to this school."[/color] Haley stopped and turned to look at Gretchen. turning back to Lisa she smiled a little. [color=ed145b]"Well how was I supposed to know that? I didn't steal her boyfriend if that is what she thinks."[/color] Lisa shook her head. [color=f26522]"No, he broke up with her before you got here but she is obviously jealous. Don't get yourself banned from going to the dance because of her, if you do then she wins."[/color] [color=ed145b]"So true! We wouldn't want that right? Come on let's go!"[/color] Haley ran back to the next game and grabbed a ball and nailed Gretchen so hard she fell backwards and landed on her back out of breath.