[center]Rae[/center] Gender: Female Race: Na'vi Weapons: bow and arrows Simple Background: Rae had been in Hometree when the sky people came, she learned to speak enough of their language to understand what was said. She was very untrusting when the battle between the two races continually broke out. She had two opinions when the sky people were allowed in her home, she and her best friend went on hunts in different parties. She barely made it out when Hometree was destroyed. She lost her best friend that day, she felt her world was nearly over. She wasn't even able to burying him, she had to leave him to save her own skin. That decision hunted her ever since. Rage pulled her through the fighting with bullet wound scars forever etched in her flesh. Now, she wanted to heal and go back to the way things were. Hunting, swimming, singing and listening to the stories of their past. She wanted to forget the humans and live a peaceful life. Rae found that this wasn't fully possible. [center] Travis D. Workman[/center] Gender: Male Race: Human/avatar Simple Background: Travis arrived on Pandora soon after Grace set up shop. He was part of the biology team, he was one of them that was able harvest and grow plants in the little garden. He rarely knew what was going on around him unless forced by some of his coworkers to get his head out of his work. He wanted nothing more than to grow plants, his efforts on Earth were meaningful, in some ways. Not like here where everything was so fertile. He always in awe of the grounds capability to spring forth new plant life. Grace never allowed him beyond the fence sure he would get lost in the vegetation and be eaten. After assuring he was not part of the conflict, he was allowed to stay on Pandora and tend to his beloved plants. Only now, he was not able to keep his mind fully on the plant life.