Quinn took a cleansing breath. She leveled a look on her boss. "I've been in the field for the past few weeks. I've just got back and when I read that memo..." Quinn stalled her explanation. "I don't think I can stomach food right now." She answered Dr. Pierce's question following him down the corridor. "And forgive my bluntness, Dr. Pierce, but are you trying to convince me with that last bit, or yourself." Aoife looked at the older men with a smidgen of compassion. If the news about the Archive had hit her this hard, she could barely imagine how it was for Dr. Pierce who'd devoted a huge chunk of his life to the place. All that knowledge! "Do you think it's a plot to strong-arm access to the archive's contents?" She asked. "It wouldn't be the first time. Those assholes just want to know what we know even though they couldn't even begin to comprehend it. They just want the power of it." Quinn grumbled. "So what's our plan?" She squared her boss with an intense stare. It was clear she wasn't planning on taking this situation lying down. "We'll fight this, right?!"