With surprising agility, Morgur climbed his way up the side of one of the wooden shacks to get a better view of the surrounding ghost village. His sense of smell was strong enough to let him know the human was near, but not exactly where he was. As he scanned around, looking for signs of movement, he let out a loud terrible shriek and loudly banged his ax against his shield, as if to challenge whoever was hiding out there. That’s when he spotted it, the silhouette of a person visible through one of the windows of a nearby hut. He couldn't identify the creature through such a small opening, but it was all he needed to know. He inhaled strongly through his nostrils and when he exhaled, a jet of flame erupted from his jaws, aimed towards the thatched roofing of the hut. He was trying to force his prey to come out into the open. The dry straw and reed rapidly caught flame and began burning on their own, threatening to spread the fire to the rest of the all-wooden hut. Morgur once again shrieked at his target, challenging it to either fight or flee.