[center][color=59955C][b][u]The Capital, Elementia Arno Volke[/u][/b][/color][/center] Arno watched as they were herded towards a wagon, he'd been on wagons before during marches. Usually only the most armored troops got on the wagons, to save their stamina. Of course they were infamous for being rolling coffins against enemy ambushes. But Lady Oriel was being put onto the wagon, so Arno had to follow. The palace workers tried to help him onto the wagon, but Arno pushed them off of him, he could get on a wagon himself. He hoisted himself onto the transport and took a seat next to Lady Oriel, and soon an elderly man came running over, surprisingly carrying a trunk towards them. He gave the trunk to Oriel, and the two exchanged words. Arno studied the mans face and committed it to memory, judging from their conversation he kept her hidden from the crown. He'd have to thank him later. The Knight of Light whistled and a wolf leapt onto the wagon, the sudden appearance of a wolf prompted Arno to place a hand on his warhammer, but he didn't draw it. If a wolf wanted to attack them it would have leapt onto someone with its jaws in their neck, not onto the deck of the wagon itself. The wolf itself was impressive, as most wolves were. In response, a magical bird of prey came from another Knights arm. She said its name and it became a tattoo on her arm. The one with the wolf introduced himself as Leonidas and the one with the falcon introduced herself as Alya Frei. Next the Spirit Knight introduced himself, with grace and the practiced words of a noble. Arno knew his kind, and hoped he wasn't like most of his peers. The Arcane Knight introduced herself next, saying her name was Mira Bellwood while doing a curtsy. Usually young nobles or royals did those. Arno saw that the next had summoned a fox from thin air. Arno tuned out after that. He simply sighed, and buried his face into his left hand, resting his elbow on his knee. Did he join a circus? As the last Knight started to get on the wagon, it moved forward abruptly, causing the last Knight to lose his grip. He fell, revealing seven arrows in his back. Arno quickly slid his helmets onto his head and unslung the shield from his back. Leonidas covered his head and yelled for everyone to take cover. [color=59955C][b][i]What cover!?[/i][/b][/color] Arno thought, he grabbed Lady Oriel's shoulder with his right hand and pulled her towards the floor. He stood up quickly and raised his shield, standing between his Lady and the incoming volley of arrows. A split second later he felt and heard half a dozen heavy thumps on his shield, and a few glancing blows off of his pauldrons and helmet. Arno glanced behind him to make sure Lady Oriel was safe. He shouted, [color=59955C][b]"We must move out of this ambush!"[/b][/color]