[center][color=#fff79a][h3][U][B]Raelis Vaerkturian[/B] – [I]Rhay's Chosen[/I][/U][/h3][/color][b][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpxtuUQ28UM]Theme[/url][/b][/center][hr] Energy spilling from his form he noted the great beast's approach, through the air no less, and he waited, one hand resting against the hilt of his sheathed blade. He didn't know what to expect from the creature and so felt it would be best to be prepared. Building energy in his armor, he charged himself as if for a fight, the waves of heat rolling off him becoming more pronounced, the temperature around his hovering form going from around 70 degrees to 90 from the ambient heat given off by him alone. The Blade of Rhay was practically humming already, and he hadn't even deigned to draw it yet. Wishing the creature would communicate, if indeed it could, the knight kept from saying anything...knowing that its language would be gibberish to a species of a different planet. If the beast got too close, within 8 meters, or did not attempt to turn away around 10 or 12, Raelis would draw his blade and emit a warning pulse of light and heat energy. Otherwise, he would weight, hooded visage tracking the creature's movement. He hadn't quite decided yet, but he was fairly certain he'd have to kill it, as strangely graceful and majestic as it was.