It was apparent that Jaakuna’s state wasn’t improving. His wounds might’ve been on their way to getting healed and his color might be returning, but he still was unconscious and there was no sign of him regaining it any time soon, much to everyone’s fear, especially Savayna’s. When it had hit her, she hated that, even after gaining her new power, she [i]still[/i] was useless. Not even Nadeline’s healing powers - as good as they seemed to be - was enough to bring him out of whatever comatose state he was in. Then, as the others would suggest that something was up, Savayna looked around. Even though she had been distraught for the majority of the past ten or so minutes, it did somehow hit her that one crucial person was missing. Hamut was nowhere in sight. Jaakuna was fighting him, so he had to have been somewhere near...but where? Meanwhile, Shinto looked on at the scene unfolding. He saw Savayna was in a waking state of distress while Madame Blue Rose was trying to convince everyone that she wasn’t wiped out from her fight with Savayna. Then, of course, there was the fact that Savayna had completely dropped the ball on Grant in more than one way in the past hour. First, not answering Shion’s question about whom she loved -or rather, who she [i]still[/i] loved, and then another by going straight to Jaakuna when she awoke. Shinto couldn’t help but feel that Grant wasn’t in the best of shapes. So, being the concerned friend - erm, good samaritan more like - he went over to Grant, trying to speak as quietly as he could without sounding it off to the others. “[color=50c878]You know she loves you, right?[/color]” Shinto offered Grant some solace. “[color=50c878]Listen, Savayna is just feeling inadequate right now. I know you and her might have some things to work out later on, but just remember that she said yes to --[/color]” Shinto would remind Grant of the ring on her finger “[color=50c878]--well, you catch my drift.[/color]” Shinto shrugged, placing a hand on Grant’s shoulder, “[color=50c878]her emotional state is probably the most fragile of anyone I know. So, just give her time. She’ll come to you when she’s ready. Just...don’t give up on her, okay?[/color]” Shinto gave Grant a reassuring smile - a smile that he rarely gave. He wasn’t one that usually showed emotion, but as someone who was once in Grant’s shoes, so he knew just how it felt to see the one person he cared most to choose another and be in a constant state of distress. It came to the point where he had to step away despite how much it hurt him. Even if it were his best friend’s sister, he had to distance himself from her because, no matter how he felt, he knew that Nila had too much to deal with. She didn’t need him to complicate things - especially since not long after he left her to her own devices, he was framed for a murder that he was trying to prevent. That was why he and Dominic were in the dungeons to begin with. They were trying to prevent Simon’s presumed death - just from the shadows...