Grant was far, far away. His body was there, but his mind had gone somewhere else. His eyes looked around, but he wasn't even sure of what he was looking for. Scratching the back of his head, he let out a heavy sigh. If the circumstances were different, he would go to straight to the bar to drink his woes away, but that simply wasn't possible. Battling the thoughts in his head wasn't working out as well as he would have hoped, but it wasn't like he was going to help Jaakuna, either. He tried to focus, but after a while, nothing seemed to change even when he did pay attention. It was then that Shinto approached him--man the guy was quiet, he didn't even notice him until he started talking. The truth was that Grant really didn't want to talk about Savayna. Not now, anyway. Shinto's words should have given him solace, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt hurt. It was almost as if he was afraid of her answer--but boy, did Shion hit the nail on the head. As Shinto smiled at him, Grant couldn't bring himself to return the gesture, though he nodded in understanding. Shinto probably had a point, but it didn't change anything on Grant's side. Why did he bother? He knew this had been an issue for some time, but he stupidly hoped that he would change her mind. He was an idiot. "[color=darkorchid]Yeah,[/color]" Grant mustered up some kind of response before turning away. Vlyn peered at their surroundings, his ear twitching slightly. The air was heavy, leaving him unable to properly pinpoint Hamut's location. He could tell he was around, [i]somewhere[/i], just...where? He looked towards Shion, who seemed to have stopped looking, though she held her weapon in her hand. "[color=deepskyblue]He mocks us,[/color]" She stated quietly, narrowing her eyes. "[color=thistle]Hamut?[/color]" Vlyn asked her. "[color=deepskyblue]Zodiark,[/color]" She said, closing her eyes. "[color=deepskyblue]He watches us from his castle, enjoying the chaos. What are you planning next?[/color]" Nadeline would take her hands off of Jaakuna, letting out a short huff. "[color=coral]That's it. He's healed,[/color]" She said, looking at Savayna somewhat disapprovingly. "[color=coral]Since when have you played the part of the bystander? That was quite the frantic burst of panic, considering you're...usually more composed.[/color]"