[center][h1][color=red][u]Aela Theraphos[/u][/color][/h1][/center] Aela wasn't sure how to respond with being called cute. No one ever had described her ever as being cute. The best she got was pretty but that had included some rather unsavory things afterwards talking about the lower part of her. Lucky for that guy he only had a dislocated shoulder. She would of pulverized him if it wasn't for being stopped by others. Shau continued on saying that would all be friends which Aela glanced over at Haru with a slight sidelong glare. She highly doubted it herself but decided it best not to voice her opinion at the time. [i]'Forget the shovel what about a furnace? Nah to hard to find. Leaving her in a web cocoon somewhere can work to,'[/i] Aela thoughts were running rampant on what to do with the childish zombie as Haru stuck her tongue out at her. She reminded herself that it was wrong even if the zombie might deserve a little punishment. Perhaps a little torment couldn't hurt. [color=red]"Yes we shall try to get along,"[/color] Aela stated with a slight smile, making sure her teeth were not showing, she was uncertain how a smile full of fangs would make Shau feel, Haru though she had no doubt would panic or be terrified at such a sight. Maybe something to save for later when they were alone. [color=red]"I have no qualms with where ever we go,"[/color] Aela continued. [i]'As long as the corpse behaves herself',[/i] she added in her thoughts. It seemed that this house stay would be tougher then she expected. [center][@ineffable],[@liferusher][/center]