[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjIyNzFlYy5VMkZ5WVNCTGFXMXZkRzgsLjE,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img][hr] It seemed unreal but from an accident it seemed a great thing was occurring. The look of utter delight on Sara's face was hard to miss, and her knees were shaking so wildly it was shocking that they weren't clapping together like castanets. Was this on purpose? Had she let slip some deeply personal thoughts when she filled out the form - whenever that was - in her haze? Or was it some sort of great coincidence that someone so utterly...[i]forceful[/i] was already making herself home. Sara wasn't one who believed in karma but if she had surely this was proof of a reward. Not even Santa could bring such a gift. [color=00FFFF]"Goddess!"[/color] Sara cried out, practically dropping to the floor as she spoke the words with a mixture of reverence and breathlessness. Her eyes flickered between both Light and the Goddess, mind wondering for a moment what she must look like to the guests. Certainly first impressions mattered and she was so hopeful and given her zombie-like entrance it was almost like she was a new person now, given the information. Or rather the command. [color=00FFFF]"I would never call you such a thing, Goddess. Ah! Let me-"[/color] Sara scurried towards the couch, quickly straightening a pillow cushion to place it next to Yoki, for her approval. [color=00FFFF]"I'm...sorry, Goddess...I only have beer when it comes to alcohol. But...but I have cold sodas and...and water...oh...maybe milk or...or an energy drink?"[/color] Sara's smile turned to a frown. Oh no. Her first impression and she was blowing it. Her eyes darted over to Light. [color=00FFFF]"Miss Light, would you like some lunch as well? Is there anything I can get for you?"[/color] She was on her knees, as one was when deeply apologetic, but her tone remained optimistic that making the most of the situation could salvage it. After all, once they had their lunch surely they would think even less of her. If that were at all possible.[/center] [sub][@Archmage MC][@KawaiiKyouko][/sub]