[i][b]Boring[/b][/i], that was the first thought that came to his mind. He was already bored by this woman before him. Of course he had quite the range of different tests to try out. But so far she fell to boring. Of course, she was playing her own act or was it so. It didn't matter. He wasn't so much trying to seduce as much as see a reaction. He got one, it wasn't a common one but it bored him. He didn't really know why though as he generally kept to emotions but it was probably something that fell into her character so much. His eyes probably went blank as he backed off and stood up. Leaning back into his hand with a light smile. “Ahh well it happens sometimes. Good to see you are just as kind as one could expect though. That's always a good thing.” He stated with a light sigh as he walked over and around the sofa and couch moving towards the kitchen which pretty much fell into view with the living room. “I can't very well let you go back after the first day. It would generally look bad on me. You'd probably sabotage my chances of getting others in.” He joked at the end, giving a light laugh. Before even touching a pan he made sure he had his pony tail set up properly. Yawning slightly as he pulled up the pans and pots before taking out the food from the fridge and freezer. It was probably weird in some way of making food for someone who basically was dead. He wondered on the concept of eating. In some realism, the act of eating anything would mean they gain something from it. Let alone the fact that the stomach will release it's acid if not for the mucus in it. It just eats itself over time in normal dead bodies. Did ghosts even have stomachs? He was pretty much just cooking without much thought. That was before he realized he hadn't answer her first question. “Oh, Melissa. I'd have to say you are indeed an attractive woman. Do others of your kind look like you? Have you met them before? It's interesting in it's own right to hear about such things.” He stated, he wasn't really interested in her reactions at the moment anymore. He'd probably get into another moment soon enough. But as his character tended to effect his play out. He was more easily bored in this form. Made sense, though if it was in combat he'd probably go wild. That wasn't allowed, and plus it wasn't something he was going to bring her to. Though...it did bring up some fun ideas of possible concepts for her. She was by all means dead, there was so many things he could think of...including potential concepts of immortality. “Do you enjoy your meat raw medium or well done?” He asked without much thought, looking to the food as he moved the boiling corn lightly off the burner before placing it onto a stand made of metal to hold it so it would manage to cool without causing issues to his marble counter top. His kitchen wasn't necessarily large. Though it was well designed, a black marble like counter top, with a stainless steel themed appliances, along with his iron pot and pans on a gas range top. He quickly stepped off of the area before the range top and turned to wash his hands in his sink quickly. “And did you have a certain exhibit you wanted to see?” He asked for a moment. Leaning to the side a bit. Though he was sure people saw the standing pose as female and unhealthy but he never cared to much about that concept. He pulled his red hair forward while watching her, running his fingers threw it. [@GarlandDaHero]