[h2][color=00a99d]Nona Sirenia[/color][/h2][hr][hr] Has it really been two weeks? Nona thought to herself as she busied her morning with a fresh idea of attracting attention. Normally, attention in a pirate community might be asking for trouble but without any experience, Nona couldn't even call herself a pirate. A circumstance she was looking to change as she had thrown away her previous life just two weeks again in favor of seeing the world. Something that was seeming more and more unlikely as it took Nona quite a lot to even arrive in the Twin Capes. Now, she had the seemingly impossible task to convince a crew to hire an absolute greenhorn navigator, a position as it turns out, not many captains wanted to take a risk on. Still, one shouldn't just give up because yet... though Nona figured at some point she won't exactly feel too optimistic anymore. She could even feel the gnawing sensation of just giving up as two weeks of consistent reject didn't feel so good, but Nona figured her breakthrough was right around the corner! ... One could hope at least. It took Nona all morning but she finished painting a sign advertising her position and she planned on marching through town, hopefully attracting attention. [color=00a99d]"Navigator! Navigator for hire! Don't get lost again with me on your crew!"[/color] Nona chanted as she marched down the streets of Twin Capes. Few pirates even bothered to investigate her claim but those that did waved her off almost immediately hearing her truthful admission she had zero experience with navigating. With little interest, Nona continued throughout the day to try and pitch her way onto a crew but due to her character, could never really let the whole "zero experience" thing be kept a secret. She felt like she needed to tell the truth, which only hurt her chances of employment.... Speaking of which, Nona was also broke at this point and the lack of employed pay was definitely starting to hit her now. She took the odd job every now and then but without steady work, she found it a little tough to eat a night. Tonight's meal, was courtesy of fishing out coins from a fountain. With food in hand, Nona fled to the quiet retreat of the beach to have a little driftwood bonfire and dinner. It was expected to be a quiet night but as Nona had just pulled off her cooked meal, a crash sounded behind her and by now, Nona figured out that usually meant something bad happened with a ship trying to pass the Reverse Mountain. It was surely an impressive explosion when that ship hit the water but Nona missed it, only managing to catch a few of the ship's crew being thrown about. Nona took a chomp out of her fish and chewed slowly as she watched the aftermath play out from a distance. If anyone needed help, Nona would have probably helped out but at least from the crew members she saw, they handled themselves quite well. Several of the crew members managed to make it to the shore with relative ease, it seemed. Good. Nona didn't fancy the idea of leaving her dinner unattended.