[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjIyNzFlYy5VMkZ5WVNCTGFXMXZkRzgsLjE,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img][hr] The way in which the Goddess insulted her so effortlessly was simply exquisite. Sara had never publicly divulged this side of her, and only merely flirted with the idea as one flirts with many things in journeys of self-discovery, but actually falling to a subservient position at the drop of a hat was a rush she hadn't experienced before. She hadn't truly known how much she enjoyed it, having never truly experienced the act before now. Yes, she was certainly quite happy with the sudden arrangement even if it was unexpected and most certainly unplanned. As her body winced in delight at being called a ditz, and actually squeaking when referred to as a fucking idiot, the back of her thoughts went to Light and the statements about exploring. While presently she was focused on her Goddess, for reasons that were making themselves quite clear, she made a mental note to look into places near her residence that could be interesting. Sara wasn't much of an exploration enthusiast, but Light seemed to be. And Light was her guest now. The Goddess was important, of course, but Light was as well and once things settled down, or the Goddess granted a reprieve, making Light feel welcome was next on the agenda. But of course the demanding commands of Goddess took priority at present. [color=00FFFF]"You won't be disappointed, Goddess."[/color] Sara spoke breathlessly as she rose to her feet, [color=00FFFF]"Your lunch will be the best you've ever had. Nothing less than you deserve, Goddess!"[/color] With a goofy smile seemingly stuck to her face, Sara bounced her way towards the kitchen as if she were being carried on a cloud. [color=00FFFF]"And you'll enjoy it too, Miss Light!"[/color] Sara poked her head out of the kitchen to add the response before returning to her duties. She set out a pan, took the last carton of eggs from the fridge, grabbed a pack of bacon from the attached freezer, and rummaged through the food cupboard for both a tomato and a can of beans. With the ingredients set, the stove was turned on to warm the pan while the bacon strips were laid out. While the bacon was in the process of frying, Sara diligently opened the can of beans. A soft hum came to her lips as she focused on preparing a meal for her residents. It was actually quite exciting, cooking for others, even if she was far from a three star chef. [color=00FFFF]"Oh?"[/color] Sara stopped her humming when she heard the somewhat unfamiliar chirping of her house phone. Who could be calling her of all people? On the home line, no less. Even solicitors and telemarketers stopped calling after a bit of Sara's true self seeped through the phone. Leaving the bacon on the pan as it was crisping up, Sara stepped to the wall-mounted landline phone and answered, curiosity getting the better of her. [color=00FFFF]"Kimoto residence, Sara speaking. Who may I ask is calling?"[/color] Gone was the light tone of the submissive Sara, replaced with the normal, flat and dull tone of the slightly awkward, mostly shy Sara. The only commonality to their tones was in the sugary softness as she spoke.[/center] [sub][@Archmage MC][@KawaiiKyouko][@ineffable][/sub]