[center][h1][color=red][u]Aela Theraphos[/u][/color][/h1][/center] [color=red]"Tha... That is none of your concern,"[/color] Aela stuttered, her face growing slightly red in embarrassment and agitation. What on earth was wrong with this corpse? Briefly Aela looked down just to make certain she was indeed covered with her skirt and that Haru had not asked the question due to seeing something that shouldn't be showing. [color=red]"As for my legs, well how do you walk? It just is natural to me, how you keep balance with two is beyond me,"[/color] Aela stated quickly moving on to the second question while trying to forget the first one. After that awkward moment of questions things were rather quiet while they waited, Aela focusing her attention on anything but the zombie next to her since she felt that it was the only way to keep calm at the moment. She did not notice when Haru had started to edge closer to her with a strange dead gaze in her eyes. She didn't notice the change of personality until it was seemingly too late. It was a slight pinch of pain in her leg. It felt like something or someone had bit her? Aela looked down and her eyes glowed bright red in fury at what she saw. There was Haru gnawing on her leg like she was some sort of chew toy or piece of food to be eaten. She forsook the bill and was about to pull Haru off her leg and throw her through one of the walls when Shau came back into the room files and phone in hand. It seemed like Haru instantly snapped out of what she was doing on her return and no recollection of what she had just been doing to Aela's leg. For Haru's sake, she was lucky Shau had returned and had asked them to try and get along or else the corpse perhaps would be experiencing death again. Next time though, Aela would have her way when Shau wasn't around. Every normal instinct was telling her to bite the little pest back at the moment to which Aela had to exert every amount of self control she had to not do it in front of Shau. [color=red]"Um, do you think it wise to have us meet another host family?"[/color] Aela asked distracting her thoughts from the multiple ways she was going to get back at the wretched corpse [color=red]",It might be imposing on them after all... And we still have some things to take care of."[/color] Aela had mumbled the last part and looked over at Haru with an evil glare. [center][@ineffable],[@liferusher][/center]