[color=lemonchiffon]Ah, so it reveals its true nature.[/color] Ultima mused to Nadeline internally. [color=lemonchiffon]This should be a good test for you. You understand now, don't you? Mateus isn't the only thing in that woman.[/color] She did. Nadeline exhaled sharply as she watched Savayna. Despite not outright saying it, Ultima was right. She almost didn't catch it, though as she looked at Grant, he seemed to have noticed it as well. Letting out a sigh, Grant shook his head. "[color=darkorchid]You still consider me your fiance? Looks like I still have a chance, after all,[/color]" He chuckled, his gun on his shoulder. "[color=darkorchid]And here I was, thinking something had actually happened. Ah, well, no more moping around...although I have to say, darling, I wouldn't go underestimating me if I were you.[/color]" "[color=darkorange]Can't we talk this out?[/color]" Lorenzo asked hopelessly. "[color=coral]Father, stay back,[/color]" Nadeline said as she rose to her feet, her rapier in her hand as she joined Grant. "[color=coral]I'll do my best to back you up, Grant, though I have a feeling she's going to go straight for me. Ultima is telling me we'll have to wear her down before exorcising the influence.[/color]" "[color=darkorchid]That...might be easier said than done...[/color]" He muttered, and upon closer inspection, Nadeline noticed he was slightly shaking. She threw him an exasperated look. "[color=darkorchid]You're asking me to beat some sense into my future wife, do you [i]realize[/i] how long she's going to hold this over my head?! I'm never going to hear the end of this![/color]" Nadeline rolled her eyes at him, though as she drew her weapon closer to her, a small, golden crown would materialize onto her head. Spinning her rapier, several small orbs of light appeared around them, and she poised herself ready. Grant would take in a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he charged up his own weapon. At the same time, the two would send their magicks forward, a combination of Holy and Arcane.