"[color=darkorchid]I wasn't expecting that,[/color]" Grant admitted quietly as Savayna stepped forward, completely unharmed. "[color=coral]I was hoping that...would do...something...[/color]" Nadeline agreed, though she would turn on Grant. "[color=coral]I've seen children put out more damaging spells![/color]" "[color=darkorchid]I already told you, I can't--this is going to be [i]extremely[/i] difficult for me, how the hell am I supposed to fight her without hurting her?![/color]" Grant exclaimed, clearly conflicted. "[color=darkorchid]I was counting on [i]your[/i] attacks doing a majority of the damage![/color] "[color=coral]I...that is to say...I couldn't bring myself to do it...[/color]" Nadeline sighed. "[color=coral]We're getting nowhere, we must--[/color]" Her sentence was cut off at the appearance of Savayna's next attack. "[color=deepskyblue]We should move,[/color]" Shion suggested, eyeing the storm as she would take a couple of paces back. "[color=coral]Grant, listen to me, we need to take care of this. We must be serious,[/color]" She told him, holding her arm out as a red glyph appeared. "[color=coral]I can make an attempt to purify the influence, but it won't work until we at least manage to land a few hits.[/color]" As her Firaja charged, she swung her rapier, the fire spell mixing with the tornado. Grant followed her lead, a gravity spell making quick work of the rest, leaving the tornado into little more than a breeze in the wind. "[color=coral]Can I count on you?[/color]" As Grant looked at Savayna, something seemed to click in his head. [i][color=darkorchid]Is this what it will be like for Jaakuna?[/color][/i] He thought, the thought saddening him. He looked over at the unconscious Jaakuna, being protected by Lorenzo. [i][color=darkorchid]I can't hesitate if that's the case.[/color][/i] Deciding to go more physical, Grant clutched his gun tightly, Zeromus' own seal glowing, and it would look as it his gun transformed with its blade much longer. Nadeline picked up the queue, her next spell in its cast as Grant would run forward. [i][color=coral]Here goes nothing...[/color][/i] She concentrated on the ground around Savayna. "[color=coral]Scourge![/color]" She called, the advanced magicks swarming the three of them, effectively trapping them together. Taking Grant's lead, she followed him through, her rapier charging up and together they would both go in for the attack.