[quote=@AngelofOctober] [@Tenma Tendo] Trust me I understand when you like a popular series and a character responds to you. However, and call this personal taste or me inserting my personal beliefs in here. I don't necessarily care for people using Face Claims from popular MCS. Shirogane Naoto is a very popular character, he is on the cover of some of the games. And He is An Androgynous character. While not a complete riff, I do not find I like elements from the original character being taken. Beyond the fact it states they need glasses to read and you have chosen an appearance without any glasses. I know this seems personal of me. Maybe a bit nit picky. But I just. I rejected someone on another website in another RP from Sesshomaru. If you need help with photos, I can help. Elsewise it really just....comes off...well in poor taste. [/quote] I normally avoid getting into discussions like that when it doesn't involve my own characters or cause any sort of direct impact on my life but this time I actually feel compelled to point something... Isn't that too much of a selfish action? I mean, taking a famous character as your face claim is quite the normal practice for roleplayers to start with - hardly qualifying a reason for refusing a character. Also, It's important to realize that even if someone decides to take a famous character as reference for appearance they're not obliged to make a character identical to the referential appearance, they're merely providing some visual reference to make it easier for us to visualize them, and even if they do decide to take some aspects of the original character it's not like it will ever be a complete copy - after all the development of the character will always depend on the specific environment and how they interact with it. Anyway, ignoring the whole half-drunk speech about how you should be able to do the character the way you like and repressing that is wrong, the point of this whole discussion is pointing that refusing a character because you personally don't like the way it was made is kind of going against what RPs stand for. It's not like they're doing metagaming or shit like that, it's just roleplaying a character based in a concept they liked, repressing this without a concrete rrason is just forcing you personal beliefs into someone else - an abuse of you position as GM. P.s. Shirogane Naoto is a she. She even declares that.