[center][h2]Omen[/h2] [i]Tracyarmav[/i] Calder Dylan Day 1, Afternoon[/center] [quote=@Themerlinhawk]Finally exiting the Elemental Realm of Shadows Ralrisk sprinted down the hall towards the elevators. Tapping her ear piece she barked out a set of orders: “I need senior Knights to South Hall six. We have intruders! Knights to arms! Sentinel is unable to target the intruders. Prepare for battle. The Stygian Blade is here!” With that Ralrisk grabbed the shadows in the hallway and stitched them into a cloak of almost perfect darkness that she wrapped around herself from the neck down as she drew her sword and automatic pistol. Before she charged down into the Gods knew what she needed back up. Hopefully the Knights still left in the Tower would respond. [/quote] [color=a187be][i]Calder was just returning to the Library when suddenly Ralrisk's voice drew his attention to a more immediate matter. Calder sprinted off down the hall, South Hall Six was almost on the opposite side of the tower from him. Thankfully, it wouldn't be to much of an issue. Anyone in his path quickly moved out of his way, and those that didn't found themselves witnessing scales flashing by much closer than anyone was comfortable with, and at remarkable speed for such a large creature. Reaching the central plaza he raced to catch up to Ralrisk as she approached the elevators. When he saw her preparations for battle, he considered his own apparent lack of readiness but just grinned even more. He'd wait until they got off the elevator, lest the armor prove a problem for the other occupants. Calder skidded to halt, just beside the door, so as not to injure anyone else attempting to respond to Ralrisk's summons. Then he stepped inside the elevator, slouching slightly to fit in the box made for smaller beings. He hissed a short incantation in the speech of the elder sidhe, and a cool mist began to gather at his feet, thickening into a fog that filled the bottom half of the elevator, but did not spill out of the open door. His armor, would be the same as it always was, a glittering set of Icy chain mail, under a solid breastplate of the same. It was more effective than most seemed to think it should be. Especially given his skill at negating most fire magics, which was really rather simple. One only needed to redirect the blast, and suddenly most of the energy is wasted. A skilled pyro-mage could still melt the armor true, but that's wouldn't save them. The troll hide beneath resisted magic attacks, and even when it was damaged, it healed quickly. Trolls like Calder were bred for war, in a realm where magic was as common as the air most creatures breathe. Being bred for war had it's perks, t also had some downsides, but those seemed minor to Calder.[/i][/color]