[@Neo Is Delight] I know you want to keep the idea of Dragon Slayers fairly rare, but since the guild is known mostly because of it's higher than average number of Dragon Slayers wouldn't it in some way make sense that a sort of clique would form from them? And since we'd be focusing on a specific group of the characters rather than the entire guild is it that important a distinction to be made? Surely as we wrote through the RP the number of non-dragon slayers would be made apparent from us writing them as NPC's? Of course, it's your RP so what you want goes, I only bring it up because of a) I'm not 100% sure on the reasoning, which may just be something completely basic that I'm missing. And b) I have slight concerns about running two characters because personally, I hate making two of my own characters interact. Maybe that stems from me being a TTRPG DM and having two NPC's chat is awful for players and it's just a fear that translates a little too well. I can still write up a second character, just be aware I would actively go out of my way to keep their interactions with each other to a minimum - I feel like at that point I may as well be sat writing my novel.