Okay, I'm going to say something on this before everyone leaves: We were not being hostile. While it may seem like that, we were perfectly within our rights as GMs. We stated something, and gave perfectly valid reasons as to why it was that way. Rune's 'opinion' disputed our reasons as to why we said what was said, and regardless of what you call it, if you go out of your way to dispute the reasons for something the GM said, it's arguing against that statement. So, with that in mind, while it's possible it could have been handled better, it shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Such matters will be handled better in the future if they should occur again. With that said, if anyone still want's to leave, they're more than free to. [@Tenma Tendo] As for your character, I haven't really read everything, but of what I have read I like them. =^.^=