Okay, here it is. Hope everything is okay! Let me know if I need to change anything ^^ [hider=Kaleo Sima][center][img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/15/288010.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/MXWKqAm.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Kaleo Sima [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Kaleo is a short boy, who stands around four feet and four inches tall, with short wavy brown hair, sharp teal eyes and surprising pale skin from staying inside all of the time. Despite the heat of Alola being ever so present, Kaleo wears a teal colored jack with a white shirt underneath, gray pants, dark shoes, and a black backpack that holds potions, medicine, pokeballs, his small notepad, and books to read. [b]Personality:[/b] Kaleo is a very reserved mute boy with a face made of stone. Most see him as emotionless, as even getting a laugh out of him is strenuous to borderline impossible. Around strangers, Kaleo is distant, his mind usually being elsewhere to avoid being asked anything. He can be very antisocial and shy among most people and Pokemon. However, once he begins to warm up to you, Kaleo is a sweet, kind, and extremely gentle young boy who would stick to you like white on rice. While not as brave as he wishes he could be, Kaleo does hold a wise air about him, despite his age. He's rather smart when it comes to Pokemon, however, since he doesn't spend much time outside, Kaleo has yet to see most of the Pokemon he already has information on, leading to the boy cowering in fear at the sight of their much large real life forms... [b]Bonds:[/b] [u]Grandparents:[/u] Kaleo, who never got to meat his parents, was taken care of by his grandparents, both of which he absolutely adores. They never forced him to do anything he couldn't, taught him everything he knew inclding sign language and even utited him with his best friend, Hoshi. Kaleo has no dea how he could even repay them for all they have done. [u]Hoshi:[/u] Hoshi had been Kaleo's very first friend as the Cleffa was found within his grandparents' garden unconsciously. It was Kaleo, with his knowledge of treating pokemon, that nursed the pokemon back to full health. And from then on, they were an inseparable duo. They complemented each other well, as one was silent and reserved, while the other pushed the boundaries and could talk for the both of them. Their relation is more like siblings than anything else as they practically grew up together in that fashion. [u]Open to More (pm me to let me know)[/u] [hr] [b]Pokemon:[/b] Hoshi, the Cleffa [b]Pokemon's Nature:[/b] A rather Bold Cleffa when compared to it's trainer. Cleffa sticks by Kaleo's side and acts almost like a translator for him. Likes to battle, and always tries to exhibit its superiority that it can understand Kaleo better than anyone else. [b]Pokemon's Move[/b] Pound Sweet Kiss Magical Leaf Copycat[/center][/hider]