[quote=@pugbutter] And the version for public threads: when you read through a thousand interest checks until you finally find one which strikes a good balance between player freedom and a tight, focused plot, with an eloquent, engaging OOC thread, a passionate GM ... but then you check out the Characters tab and realize you'd be roleplaying with a bunch of teenaged supermodels spending all their IC time shooting off "snarky" one-liners and generally being generic boring cunts with no personality, creativity, or vision. The number of well-written, well-GMed threads ruined through the incompetence of the general public defies reality. [/quote] On a [i]completely unrelated[/i] note about people who annoy us on RP forums: I had an old account on this site years ago before I took a long hiatus, and I came back specifically because I had fond memories of the quality content on this site, especially given how hard it is to find good writing partners on the internet. However, my return was much more melancholic than I expected. There are so many threads that seem to either be carbon copies of popular TV/Game series with seemingly zero effort on the GM's part to devise an original, well-formulated plot or create a world for the characters in which to act, or just incredibly specific and often avant-garde concepts that shoehorn the players so much to fit the GM's design that the idea actually much better suits a novel than a roleplay. The rare few times I do find a thread with a well executed idea and a competent GM, I find that the well is already poisoned by the presence of inane and wholly unoriginal characters that seem to have been developed completely separate from the actual concept for the RP. A lot of times this is the case, as the poster will say something along the lines of "oh I have a character from another RP that died that I can use", a line which never fails to make me [i]shudder[/i] and sigh heavily as I continue on with my search. One of these days I may just get so tired of complaining that I'll just GM my own thread.