A trap, was it? Nadeline narrowed her eyes at the dark figure before them. And so the devil would decide to reveal itself, whisking away Jaakuna in the process. “[color=coral] Strongest of the scions created by the gods, they feared his growth, and so kept him a child. So indomitable is his strength that all things are by him twisted and pressed into oblivion. He alone fashions the laws governing all things, and administers punishment in place of the gods. [/color]” She stated, a serious look on her face as she stared at Zodiark. “[color=deepskyblue] So is he Keeper of Precepts, and his authority is absolute,[/color]” Shion finished the passage, an amused look on her face. “[color=deepskyblue]Three days…to think one of the lowly Humes so beneath you would last so long.[/color]” Was this really the time to show amusement of all things?! Grant threw Shion an exasperated look, though he would return his attention back to the matter at hand. “[color=darkorchid]The Prodigal Sun…and the Time Scion has to be Emiri. So all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, are they?[/color]” He said. “[color=darkorchid]Why reveal yourself now?[/color]” [hr] [i]Reaching out, Emiri was about halfway out the bars once more. Despite choosing to throw her back in her cage, Keiran didn’t seem to fix the main method of her escape the first time, and so she chose to do it again. Perhaps he figured his threat would rattle her—either way, she wasn’t going to just sit around any longer. She was out of breath by the time she managed to slip out, though this time, she wasn’t going to repeat the same mistakes. Only for a moment did she pause, a glance around the room telling her that her psyche was all but crumbling. She closed her eyes solemnly, but now was not the time to feel sorry for herself. She would take off. Running through the familiar corridors, she stopped outside her destination, only to find a pair of swords thrown at her. She jumped back, out of their range, and threw a glare at the sword’s owner. The still chained Esper glared at her, though he would not attack as she approached him. “[color=olive]Persistent, aren’t you?[/color]” Chaos asked. Was it amusement? Or was it annoyance? Either way, he didn’t seem hostile—rather, now that she was on her guard, he may have found it pointless. “[color=pink]You listen here, you bastard! I have had enough of you![/color]” She all but shouted at him. “[color=pink]Considering the predicament YOU have put US into, we should be working together to find a solution![/color]” He seemed amused by her outburst. “[color=olive]I was not the one who agreed to let the snake help.[/color]” He would remind her. No, she wasn’t taking this crap from him anymore. “[color=pink]And the only reason that happened was because YOU erased my memories![/color]” She shot back at him. “[color=pink]You can blame me all you want, if I was conscious of my own decision, I would never have agreed to it! So now it’s your turn to shut up and do as I say![/color]” “[color=olive]What an adorable sentiment,[/color]” Chaos laughed. “[color=olive]The Dark One goes and rattles you a bit, and you decide to retort with anger? This is little more than a child’s tantrum. You realize this, don’t you?[/color]” “[color=pink]Yes, I do.[/color]” She replied right away, surprising him. “[color=pink]If I had my way, I would cast you off into the darkness forever if it meant I never had to see you again. But that isn’t how things are—you and I are connected, for better or for worse. I don’t know how, but we must work together if we—yes, WE are to be free.[/color]” She shook her head. “[color=pink]Keiran said he would punish me…but I’m not afraid of him. And I won’t let him use me to hurt anyone. I have to do something![/color]” “[color=olive]You should fear him.[/color]” Chaos was more serious in his warning. “[color=olive]That seed…you don’t have the power to break free from his hold. He knows all your fears…and will not hesitate to use them against you. If he so deems it, he will make sure you watch as he forces you to tear your friends, limb from limb. His claws have etched themselves into your very soul…it will take more than a spell or incantation to be truly free from his grasp. His magicks are ones that the gods above us granted Zodiark—the same magicks that made them terrified of their own creation.[/color]” Emiri hugged her arms, though she stood her ground. “[color=pink]That’s why I need your help. I don’t know what he’s planning, but—[/color]” She stopped, watching Chaos’ blades rise once more. “[color=pink]You say I shouldn’t anger him, but I’m pretty sure hurting me again will definitely earn his wrath.[/color]” “[color=olive]You’re going to have to confront Keiran here if you want to make any progress.[/color]” Chaos explained, his swords circling her. “[color=olive]Time is not on your side. Ever closer does the Dark Lord approach…his plans set forth in motion. Will you bend to him?[/color]” “[color=pink]I will not. So please…if you want me to beg, I will,[/color]” She urged him. Chaos did not respond, though he surprised her when her Seal began to glow once more. “[color=olive]Putting my trust into a Hume child…what nonsense…[/color]” He chuckled to himself. “[color=olive]Despite you never getting along with her…you have your mother’s resolve. She, too, demanded my power—what folly.[/color]” Emiri let out a gasp as the swords would pierce through her, though this time, she felt no pain. What was this feeling? Power? It was so different from the darkness. As each blade would fade away, she could feel something familiar. It was warm and nostalgic, though she couldn’t quite place what it was. “[color=pink]…I will go, and confront Keiran now,[/color]” She told Chaos. “[color=olive]Wait,[/color]” He implored her. “[color=olive]Take heed. Once you break free, make no mistake, Zodiark will know—and he may choose to dispose of you. If you must, bide your time, and wait for the opportune moment.[/color]” The brunette nodded and then bowed deeply. “[color=pink]I understand. Thank you.[/color]” “[color=olive]Then I place my own hope with you. Should you fail, it may very well be the start of the end for us all.[/color]”[/i]