The Keeper of Precepts could not help but look amused and impressed at how far the Humes have come. All of them, in their own ways, have matured and progressed. If not in power, then in their daring confidence. Jaakuna seems to be an influence on them - probably more than they would be willing to admit. Each and every one of them probably has him to thank for how far they've come. That, in itself, gave Zodiark reason to smile. It pleased him that these people who were so far from being a real threat to anyone have actually gotten to a place where they are no longer a burden to the one who would fight in their place. Instead of relying on someone else, they have the strength to fight with their own power. Whether it was their actual power or the power borrowed by a foreign being, they arrived here. And now they were here in front of their new god. Truly a moment to appreciate how far each and every one of them has come. He waved one of his arms and produced a throne to sit upon. As he sat down, one of his arms was against the left arm of the chair and he looked at the group. All of their faces seemed to be a mix of anger, fear, and above all else, curiosity. He opened up his one tome and practically ignored Grant. Instead, his eyes went to Nadeline. "[color=36454f]How interesting it is to see a young girl such as yourself controlling Ultima's power when it was originally meant for The Blue Rose.[/color]" After saying that, he looked to Lorenzo, Aloa, and Vlyn. "[color=36454f]The Prince here doesn't even have an esper. By all rights, he shouldn't even be here, yet you two are holders of my brother, Zalera.[/color]" He thought about that wretched brother of his. "[color=36454f]Fitting it seems. A weak male controlled by an empowering woman.[/color]" Two glances went to Savayna and Grant respectively, then staying on Grant. "[color=36454f]You must hate feeling like this, Grant. The two women you have loved the most in your entire life keep choosing you for the same man. I suppose seeing your own brother kill your father would make love impossible.[/color]" Zodiark noted that in his tome, "[color=36454f]both of you tainted by hate that you could never truly love someone. Your minds might trick you into believing it, but when it all comes down to it, it's just out of your reach, isn't it?[/color]"