[quote=@Life in Stasis](I do, to be honest, but only in so far as vaguely expecting women and men to have certain strengths and interests respective to gender)[/quote] You know, I have an optimistic side. It may be hungry, lonely, and scared, having been locked away in the deepest, darkest, coldest region of my heart long ago, but nonetheless it's there, its heartbeat but a whisper in the dark. The optimistic side of me wants to say that maybe this is what these people are looking for when they demand from their partners a particular shape to their fleshy protrusions. That they think males play male characters more plausibly than females do, and vice-versa, so really, they're just looking for the partners who can write their characters with as much accuracy to their respective genders as possible. But this is the point where the realistic side rattles the cage and tells the optimistic side to cease its crazed rambling lest it won't get any bread and water for supper tonight.