Kayal noted her yawn as she nodded, he closed the remainder of the distance and gently placed his hands onto both her feet still cautious not to cross the line, once his hands made contact with her skin he began to send waves of restoration energy over the affected areas. The glowing gold light returned as the restorative energies healed her feet numbing the pain, closing open cuts and healing bruises. Luckily the majority of the cuts were not too damaging so it would be an easy fix. Kayal paid attention to her feet keeping his eyes fixed on the healing wounds. It did not take long for him to finish healing her wounded feet, the light faded and the numbing effects of the magic faded as well. he took a crouched step back and looked over her feet. "There we go." He said before looking her in the eyes once more. He couldn't help but notice that the girl seemed to be only half awake, she must have been more tired then he first thought. "How are you feeling now?" Kayal asked with a warm smile.