[@Shikaru][@thewizardguy] Tristan just nodded with a feral grin when Magnus mentioned the adventure down south sounding fun. "Killing is always fun. I might be huge but stealth is more fun than outright slaughter. There's actual challenge to it. Especially with the humans new technology." He said, clearly the type to relish in challenges. Being as old as he was it seemed the challenges were getting harder to find. But maybe that will change in this new war that Magnus just started with the Covenant and the humans. The giant man raised an eyebrow and gave a mock pout. Which looked utterly ridiculous on him. "Only formidable? I figured I was in the top fifty greatest warriors to ever exist on this planet." He grumbled jokingly. He knew he was one of the best but he'd die eventually some die. Either from an opponents sheer luck, a mistake, or someone finally being better than him. He kind of looked forward to that day honestly, but not enough to welcome it to soon. Of course the pleasant conversation was ruined by Death Troopers. "This vampire has a name, it's Tristan." He growled to the smaller armored man. "As for assaulting...yes. I asked for her gun nicely before I did anything then she tried blowing me up with some incendiary grenades." He said while folding his arms across his broad chest. "After that didn't work is when we started to actually fight and I did hit her. Stole her gun and broke Blue's glaive with a shot." He continued on as if the story was boring him. "If I had been trying to kill them they would already be dead. You children are a couple thousand years to early to truly best me even with your gadgets." Tristan finished while giving the D.T's a bored look. "Your operations are still moving smoothly enough even with my interruption of the two Death Troopers, one of which who interrupted a fight I was looking forward to with a halfbreed. I just gave the cocky Blue one a lesson in overspecializing since he ran like a coward after his toy was broken. As I already mentioned to you, Magnus." Tristan explained while keeping his eyes focused on the commander of the operation. He was probably one of the few vampires he trusted since the man got things done and it was always in favor of vampire-kind.