Rook had been in his shack for a while. He had taken the time to cook the meat that he had bought and he then get it placed either in the stew, or in containers that had acquired from long ago. Pre-war people were all about keeping things good as long as humanly possible, so these containers only made sense for them. Plastic to keep air out and be able to rewash out, but also to keep them strong and unable to decay. That was the best part of them. With all of that done, Rook did his usually nightly rituals. It was patterned behavior he had learned in the twenty some years of his life to do. Make sure his weapon is in good shape, spending some time tightening the leather, sharpening the blade, making sure the weight was still set properly. Then came his pistol. Personally, he sucked at using it. Sure, it had been given a minor change to make it easier for him to use, but overall... He was a terrible shot with it. Perhaps he would give it to Lorelei or Brandy. Maybe they could make better use of it. Finishing up with the cleaning of the pistol, he then turned to his armor. He knew it could be a lot better, but perhaps for now it was enough. He would clean it, make note of any damage upon it, and then rehang it upon his rack. It was almost always more comfortable to sleep outside of his armor, and this night was no exception. He had just sat down when the noise was echoing outside... Something was wrong. He could hear his name... As the voice got closer, Rook put on his armor. Part of him hoped he wasn't about to be run out of town, but he didn't think he was about to be... Still, safe over sorry. The person yelling sounded like the trader, the one who he spoke to before. Odd? Why would he be here? When the pounding on the door happened, Rook stepped outside, holding his halberd in one hand, and helmet in the other. “Trader man? What wrong? Rook is here. Is town under attack? Does Rook need to kill more Mirelurks to help protect town?” Rook asked, seeing how panicked the man looked. “Does Rook need to fight more bad creatures!?”