[h3]The Character Sheet[/h3] [hider] [h3]General Information[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Class:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Length(in meters):[/b] [b]Race:[/b](see races if you need ideas) [b]Character Perk:[/b] A perk that improves your character in some big way. [b]Character Flaw:[/b] The inverse of the above. [b]Appearance (descriptive or photo):[/b] [b]Alignment:(TBD)[/b] [h3]Stats[/h3] [b]STR(Strength)[/b] [b]DEX(Dexterity)[/b] [b]CON(Constitution)[/b] [b]INT(Intelligence)[/b] [b]WIS(Wisdom)[/b] [b]CHR(Charisma)[/b] [u]Maximum is 18(with racial bonuses). The average human has 10s in all stats.[/u] Strength: A measure of your physical power. Dexterity: A measure of your dexterity, which includes things like reaction time, reflexes and everything that is tied to athletics. Constitution: A measure of your physical health and resistance to various ailments. Intelligence: A measure of how much information you can remember. Wisdom: A measure of your character's reasoning and deductive skills. Charisma: A measure of your character's likeability. [h3]Skills:[/h3] Skill name[0-100]: The skills that go in here are things your character is proficient at or have mastered. We assume your character can do all basic things like talking and walking. Maximum of five skills, so choose wisely. With climbing this would for example be from unable to climb a fence (0), to being able to fly up a flat glass wall (100) Language skill determines the proficiency in the language, from clear foreigner (10) to native (100) for example. If you are an Elf for example, you automatically speak Elvish and thus your Elvish language score is automatically 100 and doesn't need to be mentioned. Same for Humans and Common, etc etc. Skill ranges(using lockpicking for example): 0 = non existent, can't use skill (0% chance) 25 = normal, can use average skill (40% of locks can be opened (example)) 50 = Professional (60% of locks can be opened) 75 = Master (70% of locks can be opened) 90 = Magically enhanced Master (90% of locks can be opened) 100 = Impossible for most without epic magic (No lock can withstand) [h3]Abilities:[/h3] These are special abilities your character posesses. These can be extra passive traits, active spells or anything in between. Maximum of 3. [h3]Spells:[/h3] You can use the FR spells or make up your own, provided they are not overpowered. Be creative and describe how the spell works! Power distribution: 0 = Spell fails to hurt a fly 10 = Spell will hurt most creatures for a normal amount of damage. 20 = Seriously wounds a bear. 30 = Kills any smaller creature if hit, deals good damage otherwise. 40 = Usually kills humanoids, easily kills commoners and wildlife. 50 = Dangerous to most stronger foes like ogres. 60 = Will kill most creatures and seriously hurt even undead. 70 = Potential to rip a house off the ground. 80-100 = Epic magic, will bring down heaven on earth and destroy cities. [h3]Items[/h3] [b]Armour:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Items:[/b] [b]Gold:[/b] [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] [h3]Biography[/h3] (Self-explanatory. Put some effort in this.) Anything else of importance.... [center][h3]Reference[/h3][/center] [center]This isn't part of the character sheet, but is used for reference[/center] [h3]Races[/h3] Make up your own race or choose one of the below ones. If your custom race allows for special bonuses to some attributes, make sure to detail it. Every race will have at least one bonus and one penalty to stats. Most common races: Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Human, Demon) Human: The most cookie cutter race, has no advantages or disadvantages. Elf: slimmer than humans and come preinstalled with pointy ears. -4 Charisma, +4 Strength. Dwarf: Short and stocky, come preinstalled with bushy beards. -4 Strength, +4 Charisma. Fairy: Small and fragile looking, magical creatures. -4 Wisdom, +4 Constitution. Gnome: Short, elegant and are basically hobbits. -4 Constitution, +4 Wisdom. Orc: Big and green, have big tusks sticking out of their mouths. -4 Dexterity, +4 Intelligence. Demon: Come in many varieties, usually have horns. -4 Intelligence, +4 Dexterity. Other: Your race here? On request, here are some native human sub-races that come with variying benefits. Such races exist for most of the main races above. Desert Tribe: Hardy humans that lived a nomadic life in the great deserts. +1 CON, -1 WIS. Monastery Dweller: Spent their whole lives in a monastery. -1 CHR, -1 INT, +2 WIS Water Rat: This species has spent generations on a flotilla. +2 DEX, -1 INT -1 WIS Hermit: A human who has lived alone for most of their life. -2 WIS, +1 CON +1 DEX [h3]Classes[/h3] Your class will be defined by your abilities, so there is no need to tie yourself into a specific class. If you need ideas, here are some: Arcane Magic(Mage): Anyone that can cast innate magic. Key stat: Intelligence. Divine Magic(Cleric): These spells are defined by servitude to a God and are thus 'granted' by said gods. Key stat: Wisdom. Rogue: A thief. Any specialization of a thief also falls under this. Key stat: Dexterity Fighter: A plain fighter and any variation of the default 'soldier' archetype. Key stat: Strength, Constitution(for health). [h3]Armour[/h3] Give me an impression how strong/good it is. If you can, use the full D&D system and give more detail. Give a little back story if it's a magical or special armor. [h3]Weapons[/h3] Describe any weapons you have and make sure to include backstory if the weapon in question is magical or otherwise special. [h3]Miscellaneous[/h3] Items(Anything important, clothes, furnace, magical box of slippers, anything you think you need. Backstory optional.) [/hider]