Okay, here's my CS! If you need me to change anything/go more in depth let me know! [hider] Name: Haneul Bak Age: 36 Gender: Female Appearance: Skin tanned and speckled from the sun, Captain Bak has spent many years on the sea. Her brown hair is cut short for convenience, and her rather simple face is completed with a smile and a pair of warm brown eyes. She has a relatively fit build, and stands at 5’5”, but she’s a bit of a slouch in comparison to other commanders. Assuming she’s given a uniform, she wears that, but otherwise she’ll often wear something simple and comfortable- though if at sea she’ll sacrifice her comfort for practicality, wearing boots, gloves, and thicker, more protective clothing. However, she still wears clothes that makes maneuverability easy, believing that she can dodge a hit better than she can take one. Personality: Haneul is, admittedly, a bit aloof. She’s often in her own head, or her head is in a book. Even intellectually, she doesn’t have a whole lot of interest in military affairs (though she studied up anyway, as she has a strong sense of responsibility), but despite her disinterest she puts all her energy into the work day, and with the recent war has been spending a lot more pouring over strategy, and invests her everything into the war effort. Haneul is both caring and honest, and spends a lot of time talking to and learning about her crew, as she considers creating a strong bond with and among her crew to be the most important part of the job, and just might be the thing to ensure their survival. However, this often leaves her seeming soft, at times, but while lenient, she’s no pushover, and will get angry if she believes that she is not given the amount of respect she deserves as a leader- after all, she wasn’t given this position for nothing. She might not be the best captain ever- she’ll admit to her own shortcomings any day- but she’s intelligent and damn well dedicated to her job, and will fight for her people until she has nothing left to fight with. Background: Haneul was born to a farming family in Tawai to her loving mother and father. Though she proved to be a poor farmer, her six other siblings (3 older, 3 younger) were sufficient in carrying the family and their business- as such, Haneul was able to pursue other interests. She studied a lot- mostly through books, never having enough money for schooling- especially in the areas of math, literary analysis, and language acquisition. However, as she was making no money, but still wanted to be able to spend a lot of time studying, she eventually joined the navy, under the impression that she wouldn’t see war before she retired and would be able to live her life comfortably. What she lacked in genuine interest she made up for in a can-do attitude, competence, and a blatant refusal to slack off. She gained notice for being able to do her job well and without complaining. Eventually, she started to go up the ranks as she gained experience in her profession, leaving her in command of one of the last remaining ships. Now having to truly be a commanding leader, Captain Bak will admit that she was kind of ignorant thinking she could spend her life in the navy and not see combat. However, she also understands that she simply can’t back down now, especially with a whole crew counting on her. She put herself in this mess, and rather than finding a way out, she intends on sticking through the war until the very end. Besides, she’s still incredibly experienced, and that experience can be put to good use. Equipment: She carries a sword and a pistol, though she doesn’t use them until necessary. [/hider]