The default ship is a frigate, pretty mainstream, so please forgive me... [hider=Default ship] Name of ship: Your choice :) Type of ship: Medium sized war frigate Armaments: 2 front long ranged cannons, 8 side cannons (4 on each sides), 6 short ranged mortars using fire bombs The front of the ship is covered with reinforced steel, allowing the ship to ram the enemy ships if necessary. Beneath the ship is storage and crew resting area, containing spare ammunition and gunpowder. 20 pikes and naginata which can be used by soldiers in case of the ship being boarded. Crew: 60 rowers, 30 each sides. 1 main rudder operator. 54 soldiers, including 32 marksmen and 22 bowmen. Each soldier is equipped with either a one-handed double blade sword, small axes or maces for close quarter combat situation. 23 sailors to assist in manning sails and repairing damages. 1 weapon officer, 1 lieutenant to handle the soldiers Ship captain Appearance: [img][/img] [/hider]