"I'm not sure!" Ally said, looking through the wave of people. A hand fell on her shoulder, and she felt slightly comforted. She tried to find the emergency exit, but it was being flooded with people. The three zombies were in the way of the main entrance, so they didn't have much of a choice. The two zombies lumbered over to the crowd of people, that pushed through the exit harser in an effort to get through quicker. This only resulted in people getting jammed in the doorway or falling into the ground, which slowed everything else. The zombies reached the group and grabbed the closest person to them. It was a man, mid-to-late thirties, who tried his best to fight back. The monster grabbed him by the upper arm and ripped him towards it. Both zombies immediately feasted to the fighting man on the floor. He couldn't do anything, and no one could help. His screams had frozen people in fear, Ally one of those people. Ally swallowed hard as she watched a man being torn apart by this creature. She was frozen for a moment, suddenly unsure of what to do. Could she help this man? Considering his intestines were falling out, there was nothing she could do. Her heart dropped, but she looked back at the entrance. The only zombie there was still distracted by the cashier, who now resulted in throwing straws at the monster. "Nick!" she choked out, still shook up by the zombie, "The front! Let's go!" She sprinted across the burger spot, a forty foot sprint that lasted an eternity, to the exit, hoping the zombie couldn't get her or her friend.