Nicholas watched in shock and disgust as the two zombies started ripping into the poor man. He wanted to help but he saw the mans innards spill out and he almost lost his lunch. "Oh god..." Ally would have felt his grip on her shoulder tighten slightly. He jumped slightly shocked at hearing his name called out. He look at Ally and noticed his hand was on her shoulder, he promptly removed it as he then followed her gaze to the door and the cashier. He then nodded still shaken from the sights he had seen, and could still hear. "Sounds good!" Nick runs after Ally and glances back at the man being torn apart. He forced himself to look forward unable to afford to spend more time feeling sorry for the now very dead man. He had to focus on getting out of the burger place and to somewhere safe, his eyes followed the zombie fighting the cashier and he wanted to help. But had no idea what these monsters were they could have been zombies, but he had seen so many different kinds of zombies he had no clue if he could actually help fight against it. He stayed behind Ally not able to spare the cashier another glance.