"Alright!" Ally said, following Nick. She was thankful he was so tall compared to her because she was nearly being absorbed by the crowd. Waves of people pushed and shoved the two as they made their way towards the alley. Ally nearly fell multiple times as people shoved her in every direction. [i]This is insane! Nothing will get done like this![/i] she screamed internally. Finally, the two were able to burst through the crowd into the alley. "Thank goodness you found this. I'm not sure which we need to be more worried about, the crowd or those... Monsters." Were they zombies? Didn't zombies move slowly, bite people, and eat brains? These zombies were pretty fast and didn't seem too picky about which part of the body they ate. "We need to arm ourselves in case those things come for us. We don't know how strong they are or when the cops will come to help us." Ally looked around the alley, unsure of how to craft a weapon. Finally, her eyes rested on a dumpster. "Think we're desperate enough for dumpster diving?" she chuckled, hoping to lighten the mood, though she was completely serious about this.