"Yeah, we definitely need to be careful," Ally said, doing her best to ignore the scent of the garbage from the dumpster. She pushed the black lid up, bringing up another strong waft of dumpster-scent. She pulled her shirt to cover her nose a bit and give her slightly fresher breaths of air. The woman reached up and pulled down a trash bag. She jumped out of the way as it tumbled to the ground. "I guess we both search a bit for weapons," she said, tearing open the thin plastic with the heel of her foot. [i]So glad I wore tennis shoes today,[/i] Ally thought with a slight smirk. If they were going to be running around a lot, they would need good shoes. Her thoughts then became more optimistic. Maybe the cops would get there, shoot the zombies, and everything would be done. Or maybe the government would send in soldiers to kill the zombies. The government might even bring them all to a sanctuary while they cleaned up the... Creature situation. "Find anything?" Ally asked Nick, as she shuffled the trash around, coming up with nothing. She reached for another bag and knocked it down, hoping to either find something useful in the bag or under it within the pile or garbage.