Nicholas' mood was substantially better than before. "You may have a use for those shoe laces, not me tho." Nick pointed down to his feet and on them was a pair of orange Crocs. He smiled remembering all the shit he'd gotten from mates about having a pair of Crocs [i]good times.[/i] Nick thought, but then he thought again. [i]What about all my other friends, Jesus are they alright... God I knew I should have brought my phone![/i] Nick's face visibly dropped. He quickly snapped back to reality as he heard Ally kick the legs off the chair. "G-good work. Lets umm..." Nick paused. "Yeah, I guess we'll have to." Nick picked up one of the chair legs and held it tight not wanting to drop it in the crowd, it being his only form of defence against the zombies. [i]Oh crap there are still zombies running around![/i] "We need to get somewhere far away from people, there will be less zombies there... But for that we'll need a car. Might be getting ahead of myself... Lets just get out of here for now..." Nick shoved his way into the crowd making sure Ally was behind him. He did not like everyone bumping into each other, he always tried to get out of everyone's way to avoid holding them up. But this was just anarchy!